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Sustainability and Its Significance and How Businesses Achieve It

Essay Instructions:

关于引文类型 这个我不太懂,可以看下具体要求。


Shop at a sustainable/low-waste shop and reflect on the products purchased.

• Park Market & Refillery (Burlington)

• The Pale Blue Dot (Hamilton)

• Mrs. Greenway (Hamilton)

• EcoFillosophy (Oakville)

• Pretty Clean Shop (Toronto)

• The Kind Matter Co. (Milton/Oakville)

是去这个可持续商店买一个可持续的东西。东西买什么还没有想好 如果老师有什么idea可以和我说


Topic: Reflection #1

Article description:

I don't understand the type of citation, so I can check the specific requirements.

ELP content selection is selected this one

Shop at a sustainable/low-waste shop and reflect on the products purchased.

• Park Market & Refillery (Burlington)

• The Pale Blue Dot (Hamilton)

, Mrs. Greenway (Hamilton)

• EcoFillosophy (Oakville)

• Pretty Clean Shop (Toronto)

• The Kind Matter Co. (Milton/Oakville)

It's to go to this sustainable store and buy something sustainable. What things to buy have not thought well if the teacher has any idea can and tell me

As part of this course, you will complete two community-based, experiential learning activities of your choice. There will be a PDF with pre-approved ELP activities that you can choose from. You are welcome to propose an activity yourself pending approval from a member of the Instructional Team. After taking part in two different activities, will document your experience through the creation of a personal reflection. Please note that you may complete your experiential learning projects at any time through the course, as long as you hand your reflection in by each respective due date. To clarify, you may work ahead of schedule if you would like. The following steps will help guide you through completing each of your two Experiential LearningProjects. STEP 1: DEVELOPING YOUR PERSONAL LEARNING GOALS Develop 3-5 learning goals that you hope to achieve throughout the duration of the course. They could be specific skills, abilities, and/or knowledge. Note that you will be reflecting on your progress in meeting and achievingyour goals in step 3. Include your learning goals as a separate list at the beginning of your reflection (please include this at the top for both reflections you submit) STEP 2: CHOOSING AND ENGAGING IN YOUR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITY Be sure to choose activities that aligns with your personal interests and will help to support your personal learning goals. This may require you to engage in some background research on the activitiesto gain a better understanding of what is involved, as well as to be properly prepared. Review the reflection guidelines prior to taking part in each of your activities (see Step 3 below). Makingnotes along the way will support the creation of you reflection to follow. A PDF titled ‘SUSTAIN 1S03 Approved ELP Ideas List’ is posted on Avenue. These are pre-approved activities that don’t require approval from your TA or the Instructor. Approved activities may also be posted as announcements on the course Avenue page. If your proposed activity is not found on the Approved ELP Ideas list, you will need to seek permission and approval from your TA with justification on how it relates back to the course. The approval of an activity will be at the final discretion of the TA. If you choose an activity that is not found on the Approved ELP Ideas List or was not granted permission by a TA, we will not grade your reflection. STEP 3. PREPARING YOUR REFLECTION Now that you have completed your experiential learning activity you are ready to prepare a formal reflection. Your reflection will be the basis for evaluating your experiential learning. Throughout your reflection, you should be summarizing the planning, the events, and takeaways from your ELP as well as its contribution to your learning goals. The ‘Reflective Learning Framework. A guide for Students and Educations. Aug 2018’, is a helpful resource to refer to which can be found on Avenue to Learn. You may refer to page 6 and page 19 to understand how the Reflective Learning Framework can be integrated into your reflection. ELP REFLECTION GUIDELINES Temporal Progression ▪ Organize information including temporal progression of events. [2 marks] Important Aspects of the Experience ▪ Summarize the main points and key themes of the experience. [2 marks] Connection to Academic Theory ▪ Compare or connect concepts from theory to experience. o Connect to course content or reference external sources (cited in APA) [2 marks] Personal Thoughts and Feelings ▪ Summarize the information and experience, including how it is relevant to one’s own learning. o Discusses personal point of view or biases that underlie the personal thought or feeling in detail. [2 marks] Cause-and-Effect Relationships ▪ Explain by constructing a cause-and-effect model, including major parts in the system. o Identifies the relationship between two events, where one event is the cause of the other. [2 marks] o Explains the significance of the cause-and-effect relationship to a sustainability theme. [2 marks] Relating to Other Connections/Drawing Connections ▪ Draws a connection to a greater societal impact associated to the experience/theme. [2 marks] ▪ Considers the challenges or barriers that society may have. [2 marks] ▪ Proposes a possible solution or opportunity to combat challenge. [2 marks] Planning and Future Practices ▪ Generates one or more ideas for personal future practice that relates to the theme of experience and would be significant to adopt going forward. [2 marks] ▪ Explains possible benefits and/or challenges associated to proposed future practice. [2 marks] Extras! ▪ Included list of learning goals at the beginning of the paper [1 mark] ▪ Attached a picture (preferably a selfie) engaging in the ELP [1 mark] ▪ Grammar and Spelling o No grammatical or spelling mistakes that impacts readability. [2 marks] Word Limit: 1200 words *we will stop grading your paper beyond this word limit

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Part 1: Personal Learning Goals
1 To grasp the concept of sustainability and its significance
2 To comprehend how businesses and companies incorporate sustainability
3 To adapt to sustainable changes
4 To inform others about the significance of sustainability
Part 2: Reflection
People say that money cannot buy happiness, but some people spend their money on things that make them happy. People who go shopping to relieve stress or purchase necessities are guilty of bad shopping habits. I used to buy everything I needed and wanted without thinking about the consequences and how it would affect the planet. However, if everyone bought whatever they wanted, it would harm the environment. Consider the raw materials used to make the products that people buy, the waste generated during production, the plastic or paper bags used to wrap the products, and the other resources required to make a product (Pahlevi & Suhartanto, 2020). Therefore, if everyone goes shopping, it will be detrimental to the environment and unsustainable. However, some movements allow people to shop without harming the environment and maintain sustainability.
Fortunately, more people are informed of the adverse environmental effects of plastics, and more are acting to address this issue. Hence, environmentally friendly stores are now available. Their products are environmentally friendly and strive to save the planet and maintain sustainability. For example, I have shopped at Mrs. Goodway, a Hamilton store that sells products made from environmentally friendly raw materials. They also prioritize Canadian small business owners by hiring them as manufacturers. Also, this shop aims to assist people in their journey toward sustainability. As I strive to live a more sustainable lifestyle, I am not yet familiar with the necessary information, but this store has patiently responded to my inquiries. Another shop that sells environmentally friendly products is The Pale Blue Dot, also located in Hamilton. Their goals are similar to Mrs. Goodway's. This shop also aims to help people live low-waste lives with various products. This shop also wants to help people in their sustainable journey. And they also happily answer my queries regarding their products. Aside from the mentioned stores, several others share their goals, including EcoFillosophy in Oakville, Pretty Clean Shop in Toronto, and The Kind Matter Co. in Milton and Oakville, which I intend to visit in the future. Therefore, these stores are highly beneficial, particularly to those who desire a more sustainable lifestyle.
Once I f...
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