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Durkheim's Study of Suicide

Essay Instructions:

Students will submit two reflection papers in the course. Each reflection paper is worth 25% of the final mark in the course. Reflection paper #1 will be based on modules 1-3. You do not need to cover all 3 modules for reflection paper #1. Reflection paper #2 will be based on modules 4-8. You do not need to cover all 4 modules for reflection paper #2. Each reflection paper will be 4-5 pages (double-spaced, 12pt font, number your pages). The 4-5 page limit does not include the title page and reference page. Please use APA format.

Select any number of topics or themes from the lectures or textbook chapters to discuss. Given the page limit, most students will likely discuss approximately 2-6 topics or themes. The purpose of the reflection paper is to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of course content and develop a thoughtful and critical analysis and/or application of course content. Critical analysis can include critique, however the term refers more broadly to writing that provides analysis and thoughtful discussion and/or application of course content. The course content that you are discussing can include theories, concepts, studies, findings, trends, examples etc. Limit or avoid summarizing course content in your reflection paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sociology Reflection Paper
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October 06, 2022
Durkheim's Study of Suicide
Individual suicidal thoughts is taught to be the primary cause of the individual who commits suicide. However, numerous circumstances have contributed to this type of behavior by certain people. When a person is alone and has no one to talk to, their minds become infected with evil thoughts that, if not eradicated immediately, can cause a person to commit suicide. Having something to distract oneself from all the stress and troubles in one's life that are urging one to commit suicide is also an excellent method to help one forget about suicidal thoughts. Durkheim's study of suicide suggests that if a specific person with suicidal thoughts is grouped with a community that helps and supports each other, the possibility of someone in the community having suicidal thoughts is low, that the structure of suicide rates is a positive function of a group's or class's social interactions, and that the level of integration and moral regulation in social connections varies.
Social isolation raises a person's risk of dying prematurely from any cause, a risk that may rival smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Poor social interactions (defined by social isolation or loneliness) were associated with a 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke. In comparison, social isolation was connected with a 50% rise in the risk of dementia ("Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions"). Having said that, there is evidence that a lack of social engagement can lead to depression. There is a proverb that "no man is an island," which is true since we are created to be social animals, and a day without interaction with other humans can drive our brain to believe unhealthy things. Durkheim also investigated the significance of a particular group's culture and beliefs because they might influence a person's beliefs and perspective on life, depending on the situation.
Consumerism is defined as the ever-growing demand of a person to buy stuff. This has significantly grown during the pandemic as people around the world have limited access outside. They instead use online shopping websites to buy what they want, and in the process, they buy more than they used to. There are many meanings of consumerism, but using this one can satisfy the word's general meaning. Consumerism is also directly related to the economic growth of a country as people continue to spe...
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