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Track a Bill: H.R. 5657: Medical Marijuana Research Act

Essay Instructions:

Complete the writing according to the requirements of the professor. The selection range is in the two I tick. Don't let the professor see that I didn't write it myself, and don't use too complicated vocabulary.

Fieldwork #2: Track a Bill

Fieldwork #2 requires you to track a bill through Congress. This assignment will require some research and writing, so I highly recommend you get started right away!

Step 1: Research some bills that are of interest to you. There are thousands of bills filed in any given legislative session – we’re going to focus on what’s going on in the current session (117th). Some become laws, others die along the way. Some might still be in progress.

Choose 3 bills with varying topics and tell me in a sentence or two why each is of interest to you. You will only use Senate Bills (SR) and House Bills (HR) for this assignment. Make sure to write their House or Senate bill number, then the summary (usually begins with the words “relating to…”). Include the reason the bill is of interest to you.

To research bills by topic, go to:


Step 2: Select ONE of the bills you are tracking and dig deeper. Using scholarly (peer reviewed) articles and/or primary sources (ex. Newspapers), find out why your bill was proposed in the first place. What’s the reasoning behind the need for such a law? What societal problem is the bill attempting to solve? Make sure to use in-text citations and include a references page. You can use whichever format you prefer – MLA, APA, Chicago. Just be sure it is correct and consistent throughout. Please consult a style guide! They are easily available with a quick Internet search. There are no excuses for improperly formatted references. This section should be at least a couple of paragraphs. Tell me the origin story!

Step 3: Tell me the bill’s history. Who sponsored the bill? Where did it originate? When was it introduced? Did it pass the House? The Senate? How many Yay-Nay votes were there? Were there modifications made to the bill along the way? What is the bill’s current status?

Note: This is all readily accessible on the govtrack.us website.

The final product should address all 3 steps outlined above and should be 2-4 pages in length (typed and double spaced). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Track a Bill
Your Name
Course and Section
Professor’s Name
October 4, 2022
Part I. Three Bills
Marijuana has previously demonstrated a significant benefit in lowering pain-related sickness because it may relax both the mind and the muscles. Marijuana has been used by the inhabitants of China for generations and has already become part of the culture, and they have shown no signs of being ill about it throughout the year. This is why more research by larger research institutions is needed to fully understand this psychedelic herb's potential fully. H.R. 5657: Medical Marijuana Research Act is proposed by Blumenauer, Earl. Due to the confusion between illegal and legal marijuana use, bills like this one are made to ensure that medical practitioners who only use marijuana for medical research purposes are the only ones who are allowed to purchase marijuana legally ("Medical marijuana").
It is also stated that the Department of Health and Human Services can continuously produce marijuana in the National Institute on Drug Abuse Drug Supply Program, which is state-authorized, which means that the logistics and production of such psychedelic herbs are legal and under government scrutiny. This allows the research center to gain access to marijuana farmers quickly or harvest themselves without having to worry about the state's restrictions on their research facility. Because marijuana is illegal in many states in the United States, enacting such legislation will make the importation of such substances much safer and more accessible for individuals who require it in the medical area ("Medical Marijuana Research Act (H.R. 5657)").
This is an amended version of the H.R. 3797 (116th) bill: Medical Marijuana Research Act, again sponsored by Blumenauer, Earl. The new bill has already passed the Senate and is on the waiting list for additional processing. If this bill is passed, proper logistics and distribution of marijuana to government-issued medicinal and research facilities will be simplified, avoiding the illegal distribution of such substances. Further research into the health effects of these ancient plants may be the future of medicine. The law received 343 yes votes and 75 negative votes, with 11 republicans and Democrats opting not to vote.
Preventing another pandemic should be the primary concern of every state. However, as the Covid-19 Pandemic has shown, some of our existing platforms and protocols for preventing the onset of the Pandemic may already be outdated. Thus, the United States Congress proposed S. 3799, or the PREVENT Pandemics Act. Notably, the main aim of this bill is to help improve and strengthen Federal and State preparedness and response capacity, as well as accelerate research and countermeasures discovery against new threats in society.
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