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Acculturation, Immigration, and Migration

Essay Instructions:

*Lesson-Acculturation, Immigration and Migration


1.What do you think was the key message?

2.Did you agree or disagree with the main argument of the reading?

3. But what is the main concern point of viewing in public health from these article

4. Think about the concepts you are being introduced to and how they relate to each other, particularly the health outcomes you are focused on (or plan to focus on)

• *The concept are culture, acculturation and migration

-Articulate the influence of culture on the incidence and prevalence of disease and illness

-Discuss the means by which culture undermines health and creates challenges to achieving health equity

*The following readings are required for this lesson:

• Abraído-Lanza, Ana F., Sandra E. Echeverría, and Karen R. Flórez. (2016). Latino immigrants, acculturation, and health: Promising new directions in research. Annual review of public health, Vol. 37: 219-236.

• Hewlett, Barry S., and Richard P. Amola. (2003). Cultural contexts of Ebola in northern Uganda. Emerging infectious diseases 9.10: 124

• Maxmen, Amy. (2015). "How the fight against Ebola tested a culture’s traditions." National Geographic 30.

*** These are the Supplemental Readings: you can choose one sources from the supplemental*******

1. Lara M, Gamboa C, Kahramanian MI, Morales LS, Bautista DE. Acculturation and Latino health in the United States: a review of the literature and its sociopolitical context. Annu Rev Public Health. 2005;26:367-97.

2. Viruell-Fuentes EA, Miranda PY, Abdulrahim S. More than culture: Structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health. Soc Sci Med. 2012;75(12):2099-106

3. Garcia L, Gold EB, Wang L, Yang X, Mao M, Schwartz AV. The relation of acculturation to overweight, obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes among U.S. Mexican-American women and men. Ethn Dis. 2012;22(1):58-64.

4. Malmusi D, Borrell C, Benach J. Migration-related health inequalities: showing the complex interactions between gender, social class and place of origin. Soc Sci Med. 2010;71(9):1610-9.

5. Daviglus ML, Talavera GA, Avilés-Santa ML, Allison M, Cai J, Criqui MH, Gellman M, Giachello AL, Gouskova N, Kaplan RC, LaVange L, Penedo F, Perreira K, Pirzada A, Schneiderman N, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Sorlie PD, Stamler J. Prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases among Hispanic/Latino individuals of diverse backgrounds in the United States. JAMA. 2012 7;308(17):1775-84.

6. Chen J. Internal migration and health: re-examining the healthy migrant phenomenon in China. Soc Sci Med. 2011;72(8):1294-301.

7. Afable-Munsuz A, Ponce NA, Rodriguez M, Perez-Stable EJ. Immigrant generation and physical activity among Mexican, Chinese & Filipino adults in the U.S. Soc Sci Med. 2010;70(12):1997-2005.

8. Kagawa-Singer, M. Applying the concept of culture to reduce health disparities through health behavior research. Prev Med. 2012;55(5):356-61.

9. Alegria M, Takeuchi D, Canino G, Duan N, Shrout P, Meng XL, Vega W, Zane N, Vila D, Woo M, Vera M, Guarnaccia P, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Sue S, Escobar J, Lin KM, Gong F. Considering context, place, and culture: the National Latino and Asian American Study. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2004; 13(4):208–20. Li S, Trinh-Shevrin C, Weerasinghe I, Rey MJ, Kwon S. Smoking among Asian Americans: Acculturation and Gender in the Context of Tobacco Control Policies in New York City. Health Promotion and Practice. 2013; 4(5 Suppl):18S-28S.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Acculturation, Immigration, and Migration
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Acculturation, Immigration, and Migration
Acculturation is a critical factor that shapes health outcomes. The articles intended to shed some light on the neglected issue of acculturation from a health perspective. While there exist studies and publications on the issues surrounding culture and health, the issues have not been exhaustively addressed. The consistent point from the readings is that although culture may parallel modern epidemic control measures in some instances, cultural practices in some parts of the world contribute immensely to undermining the control measures promoted by health practitioners.
There is a myriad of supporting evidence to the main arguments from the readings that cultural practices make worse some of the health measures put in place as a control mechanism to prevent the spread of diseases. The case of mourners in Sierra Leone refusing to allow a team wearing protective suits to bury an Ebola-infected corpse is a perfect example (Maxmen, 2015). From a positive point of view, the analysis of the Ebola spread that is persistent in some parts of the African continent depicted some similar health measures between tradition and modern science. The application of quarantines, isolation, and suspension of some social activities to reduce social contact is a major similarity between modern and traditional science (Hewlett & Amola, 2003). On the flip side, cultural practices may exacerbate the spread of epidemic diseases such as Ebola, as seen in the case of Sierra Leone (Maxmen, 2015). One might argue that the complementing nature of some traditional practices on health is a mere coincidence with modern epidemiological approaches. However, as analyzed by some of the readings, scientific analysis of the practices exposes some consistencies in the different epidemic control practices.
The readings have shown that acculturation significantly impacts the health behaviors and outcomes of different groups.. The Latino belief system on obesity and body shapes has remained consistent even in modern society, and there is supporting evidence on how these beliefs may influence physical activities and overall health (Abraído-Lanza et al., 2016). Cardiovascular disease prevalence among Latinos has also been linked to acculturation (Daviglus et al., 2012). Lara et al. (2005) show that acculturation is associated with adverse health behaviors such as smoking, illicit drug use, and alcohol abuse. On the other hand, there is evidence that acculturation among Latinos leads to better use of preventive health services as well as a higher rate of insurance coverage (Lara et al., 2005). The health migrant phenomenon is also the case among the Chinese community across the globe, contributing the most among the migrant population worldwide. The culture shocks and the arising inconveniences among the Chinese immigrants in their new environment have contributed to enormous health issues, including acculturation stress-related conditions (Chen, 2011). In essence, acculturation has been shown to significantly influence different groups' health outcomes and behaviors.
The readings have elaborated on the influence of acculturation on the prevalence and incidence of disease among different cultural groups. It can be deduced from the articles that the negative impacts of acculturation on the prevalence and incidence of disease outweigh the positive implications. The readings have provided important notes on the influences that culture has on the control measures of the disease.
The articles’ key message is that culture should never be ignored in health promotion since it has a significant impact on health behaviors and, consequently, health outcomes. When culture is ignored, the focus will be solely on biological wellness, which will be detrimental to the health of acculturated groups. In essence, the costs of neglecting cultural diversity in health promotion can be financial, humanitarian, or intellectual. As can be seen in the 2015 Ebola outbreak that hit several African countries, but mainly Sierra Leone, Li...
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