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Social Problem Final Essay on Social Deviance

Essay Instructions:

After analyzing various social problems in this course, in an essay assignment (750-1,000 words), address the following citing three to five scholarly sources from the GCU library:
First, summarize what you’ve learned regarding the impact of social phenomenon (for instance, social inequality, social deviance, etc.) on the social problem you selected from macro and micro perspectives.

Next, in Topic 1, you explained how the theoretical perspective(s) that best aligns with your selected social problem (conflict, functionalist, and interactionist) explains how it came to be and is perpetuated. In this essay, explain how your study of the theoretical perspectives has deepened your understanding of why the social problem you’ve selected continues to exist and how it can be alleviated.
Lastly, provide your own possible solutions to your selected social problem that are more effective than current solutions, based on research you’ve collected.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Social Problem Final Essay
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Social Problem Final Essay
The impact of social deviance on drug abuse is that social deviance has played a major role in perpetuating the issue of drug abuse. Social deviance refers to a deviation from the norms of society. The social norm regarding drugs is that people should not abuse drugs because it can negatively impact their loved ones and affect their work. Therefore, if people choose to ignore social norms, they will abuse drugs, thus negatively affecting their lives. Social deviance refers to any belief that violates society's existing norms. In the macro environment, drug abuse has become a social problem because it affects society at large (Koob, 2021). The macro-environment refers to the workplaces and the people with whom a drug addict interacts. It is such an environment that is highly affected by social deviance. Most of the norms in society are made to be followed by the public because they focus on the good deeds that people should do. Therefore, if people consume drugs, they will greatly impact the macro environment. For instance, drug addicts might make it seem like a norm to abuse drugs in society. They will have violated the social norms that prevent people from abusing drugs in such a case. Once drug addicts make it a norm to abuse drugs, they would create a generation that does not fear abusing drugs.
Social deviance is not highly considered in the microenvironment because it does not affect the general public. The microenvironment for drug addicts refers to the immediate family members. In such a case, the social norm violated are those based on the well-being of families. This has led to many broken families, especially when the drug addict is a parent. It has also contributed to creating a generation that considers drug abuse to be a normal thing. Reports have been made that children become drug addicts because their parents are addicts. In such a case, social deviance is highly practiced because the parents are in no moral capacity to advise their children about the negative impacts of drug abuse.
My study of the theoretical perspectives has made me realize that drug abuse is a societal issue that is likely to continue for future generations. According to the interactionist perspective, social interactions are the basic units of analysis of individual behavior. An individual is likely to act depending on the social context. This pe...
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