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Employment Situation and Working Conditions of Food Service Workers

Essay Instructions:

I'm a sophomore, because the professor knows that I'm Chinese, so I don't have to write too well, and don't let the professor see that I have plagiarism.

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve discussed some of the causes of rising income and wealth inequality, and how they’re linked to changes in work since the 1970’s.

Central to that shift has been a decline of well-paying manufacturing jobs, and a huge expansion of low-wage employment in areas like food preparation, retail and services.

To help you think about what these changes have meant, I asked you to look at a few different examples of low-wage employment in the modern economy 

1)     The tomato pickers in Immokalee, Florida and agricultural workers in California, whose working-conditions are covered in the documentary “Food Chains.

2)     The Amazon warehouse workers in Pennsylvania, whose treatment at the hands of management was the subject of the 2011 newspaper article you read

3)     The food service workers (wait staff) in Chapter 1 of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed

In this assignment, I want you to discuss ONE of these three examples. Whichever you choose to look at, please summarize as concisely as possible who the workers are and what their employment situation & working conditions are like.

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Principles of Sociology
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Principles of Sociology
The example I have selected is the one on food service workers. This example focuses on the experiences of one worker who moves around to find a well-paying job with favorable working conditions. Following Ehrenreich's experiences, the employment situation is bad because they all involve low wages. The workers are incapable of meeting their needs, and to some extent, they are likely to stay in the poverty line for the rest of their lives, leave alone breaking the cycle of poverty. Despite getting low wages, the working conditions are unfavorable. Their staying in such an environment is necessitated by the need for money to meet their daily expenses like paying rent, buying food, and paying for medical issues. The wages of the workers are low, and because of this, they are forced to have two jobs. This is accompanied by exhaustion and stress, which is harmful to their well-being from a medical perspective.
Their status as low-wage workers in terms of health and wellbeing of workers means that these individuals are incapable of affording their security deposits for the apartments they stay in, which forces them to live in hotels. They can afford nutritious food, and if they don't have any health insurance, they are likely to undergo costly health problems. Their low-wage status exposes them to aspects of bullying, and there is nothing they can do about it. For instance, Ehrenreich decides to quit her job after she is shouted at. Her making this decision means that she was tired of undergoing the same treatment e...
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