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Innovation Report: Diffusion, Linear, and Complexity Theories of Innovation

Essay Instructions:

Here are the requirement. Just feel free to use all the resources from internet and your own thoughts.

A ~5 page comparative analysis. Compares and contrasts the Diffusion, Linear, and Complexity theories of innovation as presented in the readings, articulated in the lectures, and discussed in your discussion sections. Goal : Demonstrate synthesis, foundational understanding, and critical reflection on theories

Frame of Reference

This is the context within which you place the three theories you will compare and contrast; it is the umbrella under which you have grouped them. The frame of reference may consist of an idea, theme, question, problem, or theory

Grounds for Comparison

The rationale behind your choice, the grounds for comparison, lets your reader know why your choice is deliberate and meaningful, not random. Beside the fact that these are the three theories we’ve covered in class, what is it about each theory that offers a grounds for comparison. Hint: They are all theories of innovation.


In this comparative analysis the thesis depends on how the three theories actually relate to one another. For example: Do they extend, corroborate, complicate, contradict, correct, or debate one another? Whether your paper focuses primarily on difference or similarity, you need to make the relationship between the theories clear in your thesis. This relationship is at the heart of any comparative analysis. 

Organizational Scheme

Your introduction will include your frame of reference, grounds for comparison, and thesis. Then, there are two basic ways to organize the body of your paper. ● In text-by-text, you discuss all of theory A, then all of B, then all of C. ● In point-by-point, you alternate points about Theory A with comparable points about B and C. 

Linking of A, B, and C

All argumentative papers require you to link each point in the argument back to the thesis. Without such links, your reader will be unable to see how new sections logically and systematically advance your argument. In a comparative analysis, you also need to make links between each theory in the body of your essay if you want your paper to hold together. To make these links, use transitional expressions of comparison and contrast (similarly, moreover, likewise, on the contrary, conversely, on the other hand) and contrastive vocabulary.


Consider how much you know and how much you don’t about innovation, theories and processes. How certain are you about the conclusions you’ve drawn and the underlying theory, logic, and assumptions you’ve used to reach that conclusion. Offer a reflection on the relative thoroughness of your synthesis and thesis. Try to flag any lingering questions–known unknowns or potential spaces of unknown unknowns–which you believe would be important to explore in further research.

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The paper focuses on contrasting and comparing the diffusion, linear, and complexity theories of innovation. All theories have different perspectives in relation to innovation. The paper aims to give concise information regarding their differences and analyzes the theories separately. The paper starts highlighting what the models state, their advantages and disadvantages, their importance, and finally, the critics behind every theory.
Diffusion Theory of Innovation
This is one of Rogers's oldest social science theories developed in 1962. It was first used in communication to explain how a concept develops traction and spreads through a social system over time. Due to this dissemination, individuals embrace a novel notion as part of a social system. Adoption implies that an individual acts in a manner that differs from their past behavior. Adoption depends on the person's perception of the idea as novel or inventive. The Diffusion hypothesis of innovation is frequently recognized as a helpful change paradigm for directing technical advancement, in which the invention is improved and displayed in manners that fit the demands of users at all stages. The adoption phase also emphasizes the necessity of communication and peer networking.
The diffusion theory has several characteristics that differentiate it from other innovative theories. Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations theory provides a tried-and-true paradigm for determining what variables may have influenced an innovation's achievement or downfall. Rogers was a driving force behind the creation of this comprehensive investigation of how inventions are presented to and adopted by potential consumers. Complexity, compatibility, and relative advantage are some of these features. The application of the diffusion of innovation theory is one of its primary points. The idea has been used as a foundation in a vast number of investigations across many areas, yielding comparable findings throughout the spectrum, from journalism studies to public healthcare, verifying the diffusion process.
The diffusion theory also has some disadvantages, and they include: Much of the data for this hypothesis, particularly the adopter types, came from outside of global health, and it was not created to specifically relate to the acceptance of innovative habits or health advances. It's doesn't encourage the endorsement of a related discipline in a cooperative way. It is more effective with behavioral induction than with behavior discontinuation or avoidance, and it does not account for resources people use when adopting the new behavior. The theory has been used in various fields such as social work, agriculture, and public health. The Diffusion of Innovation hypothesis is helpful for executives, systems analysts, professional nursing professionals, and implementers. Respect and regard for all concerned parties are entwined with robust tactics for accomplishing revolutionary change; thus, the concept supports the move left. The idea is well-suited to nursing informatics and can be used to plan informatics-related developments.
It is imperative to note that the theory has four criticisms. One of them is a pro-innovation bias that states that all innovation should be adopted because of its positivity. Individual blame bias is the next critic whereby the individuals who fail to embrace the innovation are blamed for their lack of response instead of blaming the development agency. The recall problem is the third critic, which transpires when early supporters of innovation are unable to recollect the precise date of their adoption. This has an impact on the precision of adoption-related statistics and the dissemination trajectory. The significant and final critic is the issue of equality. This refers to the fact that the socio-economic advantages of the invention are not evenly dispersed across a populace, resulting in a widening of the socio-economic imbalance.
Linear Theory of Innovation
The Linear Model of Innovation was a pioneering model for understanding the relationship between science and technology, starting with essential inquiry and progressi...
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