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Inequality Conflict and Social Justice

Essay Instructions:
Hi ! I need essay proposal due on February 8.th The essay proposal, 2 pages in length with a substantial preliminary bibliography attached to it (1-2 pages). This essay proposal should indicate clearly the question you intend to address, the general approach you intend to take to answer or at least elaborate on the question, and some indication that you have determined the extent of the literature available to address the question. Here are some sourses but I need more of course. I need an essay about: International Organizations and Civil Society Efforts at Equality and Social Justice 1. Millennium Development Goals http://www(dot)undp(dot)org/mdg/basics.shtml 2. Tracking Global Progress http://www(dot)undp(dot)org/mdg/progress.shtml 3. United Nations, “Millennium Development Goals” http://www(dot)un(dot)org/millenniumgoals/ 4. Harcourt, W. “The Millennium Development Goals: A missed opportunity?.” Development 48, no. 1-4 (2005). https://secure(dot)palgrave-journals(dot)com/development/journal/v48/n1/full/1100117a.html 5. Fukuda-Parr, S. “Millennium Development Goals: Why They Matter.” Global Governance 10 (2004): 395-402. (Email)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
International Organizations and Civil Society Efforts at Equality and Social Justice
International Organizations and Civil Society Efforts at Equality and Social Justice
Equality and social justice are important for the development of the society. When people are treated equally and justice is applied in all cases, then a society that is based on principles of equality and solidarity, and one that understands and values human rights and recognizes the dignity of every human being will be created (ERT, n.d.). But how is the international organizations and civil society trying to ensure that a society characterized by equality and social justice is created?
To answer this question, it is important to address the different aspects that support equality and social justice in the society like the Millennium development goals, human rights, the Affirmative Act and the Equal opportunity Act. Also, other literature about this question should be analyzed to find out how different organizations and civil society are addressing the issues of equality and social justice.
Since social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality, a greater degree of economic equality will be required. This calls for improvement in government policies as concerns progressive taxation, property redistribution and income distribution (Cohen, 2008). The international organization like the UN work hard to ensure that appropriate polices are implemented, those that will steer equality and social justice.
The international organizations can help in ensuring that these policy improvements are exercised in the society. The International Labor Organization through its constitution ensures that social justice prevails in all workplaces. ILO constitution affirms that it is only possible for establishment of universal and lasting peace if it is based on social justice (Rodgers, 2009).
UNDP supports equality and social justice by adhearing towards the achievement of MDGS by 2015. It wants all nations to be equal and leave in justice. Therefore the 189 nations are called off to free their people from extreme poverty and multiple deprivations (Fukuda-Parr, 2004; UNDP, n.d. b). MDG Achievement Fund supports national governments, local authorities and citizen organizations in their effort of dealing with inequality and poverty (UNDP, n.d. a).
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