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Gender relation and Conflict A Essay

Essay Instructions:
Read all material first. Be specific rather than general in your answer. Think and assess diverse aspects of the question. Respond from the readings rather than whether you agree or disagree, unless you are sure it adds to the paper. There is no ‘correct' answer, as there are many ways to answer the questions. The answer is not a summary of the topic. The papers need to be well structured, clear, precise and well written. Plan the paper to avoid rambling. Avoid words and phrases such as: in my opinion, in the readings the author said, it could be said that, that the topic is too large to discuss adequately... etc. Please check spelling and grammar. Each assignment must be typed, double-­‐spaced and in a readable font. Cover sheets are not required Online sources only!!!! Here are the sources and the questions! Topic: 1)United Nations women http://www(dot)unifem(dot)org/gender_issues/violence_against_women/ http://www(dot)endvawnow(dot)org/ 2) Canadian Women's Foundation http://www(dot)canadianwomen(dot)org/facts-­‐about-­‐violence 3)Amnesty International: Read portals on right hand side http://www(dot)amnesty(dot)ca/campaigns/svaw_overview.php 4)Status of Women Canada http://www(dot)swc-­‐cfc.gc.ca/dates/vaw-­‐vff/index-­‐eng.html Click on the tab ‘Facts' and on '16 Days' For '16 Days' there are 16 tabs with short summaries. Read at least 8. 5) Global Voices: The World is Talking, are you listening? http://globalvoicesonline(dot)org/2009/11/25/video-­‐end-­‐violence-­‐against-­‐women-­‐ around-­‐the-­‐world/ Bloggers present several short videos. Look at them all. Question: After reading this material, what do you think violence against women means? Why is this considered to be the foremost difficulty for women around the world?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender Relation and Conflict
Domestic violence is a widely debated issue, and equally condemned by all societies. The most prevalent form of domestic violence is that extended towards women and children. Various organizations have come up trying to advocate for the rights of women. These organizations have given various definitions of violence against women. This essay dissects the issue of domestic violence in an attempt to understand violence against women in greater depths.
Gender Relation and Conflict
The UN (2011) observes that violence against women is on the rise, raising concerns as to what can be done to control it. Understanding domestic violence is the first step towards solving this nightmare for women. Status of Women Canada (2012) further observes that women are subject to various forms of violence.
The various forms of violence against women as indicated by Canadian Women`s Organization include the physical, sexual, emotional, financial, spiritual abuse as well as stalking or criminal harassment. These atrocities are perpe...
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