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Social Issue Analysis: Racism in America

Essay Instructions:

The Final Draft should take into consideration the feedback received from the rough draft.

In 1,000-1,500 words

Summarize the position/argument researched and assess it for validity. Ensure you are directly quoting the source and summarizing it in syllogistic form. The expectation is for you to show the syllogism and assess it for validity using the tools covered in this course.

Identify the assumptions of the position by drawing inferences from its communicated proposition. Specifically, explicitly draw out any connections or contradictions to the Christian Worldview presented by the argument. These inferences should setup your argument.

Construct a valid argument that contradicts, challenges, or improves the position of the organization. Again, show the syllogism and its validity.

At least five academic peer-reviewed sources are required for this paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racism in America
Institution Affiliation
Racism in America
Racism is a term used to describe a societal system in which the domineering group of people, based on the concept of power, and inferiority, categorizes and ranks people into social groups called race and uses its power to devalue, allocate resources differently, and disempower the minority and inferior groups ( William et al., 2019). Historically, black people and the minority Hispanic community have been on the receiving end of racial injustice. Racial injustices include criminal justice, police brutality, unequal education opportunities, unequal healthcare benefits, and slavery. Ideally, black people have accused the government of unequal treatment and demanded equal rights. Movements were formed by organizations to advocate for black and minority individuals for the justice they ought to receive. Thus, this paper focuses on the National Association Advancement for Colored People ( NAACP) and its argument that racism is a systematic problem in the United States and individual's act of racism is a symptom of the larger problem. The paper seeks to affirm the argument as it is a valid syllogism.
However, assumptions are made that racism is not a problem in America and that racism is a systemic problem. In addition, people assume that individuals' acts of racism are a symptom of the larger problem. Further, a contradicting argument can be generated that racism is not a problem in America, that racism is not a systemic problem in America, and that racism is not a symptom of a larger problem. Finally, an invalid argument is that racism is a problem in America, racism is not a systemic problem, and that individual acts of racism are a symptom of the larger problem.
NAACP was established in 1909 to fight racial injustices and equal rights for African-Americans in the United States. Over the years, the organization successfully ended racial segregation and advocated for equal opportunities for all, and ended the civil war. Even though the fight against racism is personal and based on civilization, the recent occurrence of police brutality saw people worldwide protest and make statements such as Black Live Matter, All Live is important, and justice and respect for George Floyd. Additionally, the current president of the NAACP, Derrick Johnson, made a syllogist argument. In an article, he stated that racism is a systemic problem in the United States and that people's act of racism is a symptom of the larger problem ( Koppleman,2020). The argument is valid as Derrick is commenting on the assumption that racism is a problem in America, which is true. Also, the assumption that racism is a systemic problem is arguably valid. Notably, the assumption that an individual's act of racism is a symptom of the larger problem is valid. 
To portray his message, Derrick uses the history of racism in the United America States to convince his people and famous quotes and anti-racism protest. In addition, he reminds people of how awful people of color have been treated currently and in the past. For instance, he evoked feelings of anger and bitterness when Gorge Floyd was murdered and protested the on-streets of Washington. He argued the incident was known because a piece of evidence emerged online and questioned how many more cases have gone unnoticed. Even though his point was valid at the time and circumstances, actions were taken, and justice for George Floyd was found.
Historically, racism involved segregation in the living conditions, health sector, torture of enslaved people, ridicule, and unequal government opportunities and presentation. The people of color served as enslaved people for the white people and were often tortured or killed for not obeying the rules or using white people's amenities. This led to the development of civil movements to fight for people of color's rights and freedom. Many people were killed in the process, and leaders such as Martin Lurther King Jr assassinated. The movement continued, and inclusive law was amended to include all. Everyone in America was presented with an equal chance to develop and make America great. Eve...
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