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Relationship Between Economic Growth and Good Quality of Life

Essay Instructions:

The Increase in Life Expectancy in Saudi Arabia Relative to the Improvement of Economic Indicators

(GapMinder, 2022)

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a logistically located country in the Arabian Peninsula, it is one of the largest countries in the Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Countries. It was not formed till 1932, with very limited financial resources and a small nomad population, however, it has now become one of the most important and highest-income countries in the Middle East and the world. Saudi Arabia has one of the largest oil reserves globally, accounting for 25% of the world's total supply, making it one of the fastest growing economies since the discovery of oil within its borders in the 1940s and a 40-fold increase in oil prices in the 1960s.

The main economy of Saudi Arabia is based on oil, according to the GapMinder graph, the GNI per capita jumped from $3,000 in the 1940s to above $22,000 in 2021. As a result, the GDP also increased to $833 billion in 2021. The total expenditure on health being 6% of the GDP, which is about $48 billion.

The improvement of economic indicators such as the GDP and GNI led to a greater capital investment in healthcare infrastructure, resulting in significant improvements in the population's health status, most notably the life expectancy, which increased from 45 years of age in 1960 to 75 in 2021. In addition, other indicators such as infant, under 5, and maternal mortality rates also drastically declined with the improving economic indicators.

With the growing economy also came an increase in population size, noticeable from the increasing size of the bubble in the graph; the population of Saudi Arabia increased from 6 million in 1960 to 35 million in 2021, the percentage of the population between 15 and 64 years old is estimated to be 75%.

Despite the challenges that face the Saudi healthcare system, for a country that had no schools until 1937, limited girls' schools till 1961, and no medical schools till 1969, the development in the healthcare infrastructure and outcomes have been remarkable and fundamental for a developed nation such as Saudi Arabia.


• Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, Annual Statistical Yearbook (2020).

• General Authority of Statistics (GSTAT), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Population Statistics workbook (2019).

• The World Bank Data

• GapMinder Data


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"Comment on this by either elaborating on the initial poster's analysis or by offering an additional explanation."


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"when the writer makes comment on this file- the writer needs point out the errors on the graphs or explanations"

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There is a cause-and-effect relationship between economic growth and medical treatment. First, development may affect the consumption of goods essential to health. It is important to note that change might improve nutrition by increasing the consumption of foods rich in nutrients. Second, people who get adequate nutrition are in a better position to ward against bacterial infections and have a higher chance of making a full recovery from illness. Third, higher earnings might result in greater consumption of calories and micronutrients, which tend to improve the health of individuals. Moreover, with increased salaries, individuals are in a better position to make investments in health care products that are both curative and preventative, in addition to other health-related products (Lange & Vollmer, 2017). Additionally, the economy's expansion enables the government to develop facilities to improve healthcare, such as building good hospitals and purchasing high-quality healthcare equipment.
However, increasing economic metrics such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) may not always result in more significant capital investment in healthcare infrastructure which the graph insists. The GDP and GNI are not directly proportional to capital investment. Both Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income are insufficient and limited criteria for accurately measuring the benefit of monetary assets in health care. Growing incomes may also bring about unanticipated rises in the number of illnesses and disorders associated with prosperity. On the demand side, there may be a rise in demand for products connected with health hazards, such as the intake of alcohol and tobacco (Lange & Vollmer, 2017). Alterations that co-occur in nutritional composition and lifestyle habits have also been connected to economic development. It can encourage people to lead a sedentary lifestyle ...
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