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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
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Challenges to Go Through on Divorce During the Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

In this 4-5 page written assignment, the student will discuss their own story by chronicling their own history of losses.

The Story: Going through a divorce with 3 kids during the 2020 pandemic.

Text Book: Judith Murray (2016). Understanding Loss: A Guide for Caring for Those Facing Adversity.

This is an introduction to the concept of loss; however, this paper should consider topics in the textbook chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The student is free to disclose according to their comfort level. However, this assignment should lay the ground work for the students’ understanding of grief and loss that will be expanded upon throughout the course. Also, the student should consider page requirement and may decide to limit the reflection to specific losses.

Include the following:

Historical explanation of losses.

You may include a bulleted timeline and then discuss the losses in overall themes or one at a time.

Discussion of how you processed, coped, and/or adjusted to the loss.

Cultural considerations (spirituality, rituals, etc.)

What did the healing process include?

Feelings, reflections, thoughts on writing this assignment.

What did you learn from the losses?

Information from textbook!!

What did your reading bring up that you may not have considered before.

Did your thoughts of your own loss change due to readings, etc.

Specific insight/information cited from the textbook to discuss individual loss.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Divorcing with 3 School Aged Children during 2020 Pandemic
Divorcing with 3 School Aged Children during 2020 Pandemic
A loss can be defined as losing something one likes or has some connection with. Some examples of losses include losing a loved one, for instance, a parent, relative, or friend to death, divorce from a partner, or the loss of an asset, such as a car, house, or personal computer. Losses have significant to the victim (Judith Murray, 2016). The 2020 pandemic was one of the worst scenarios I have ever encountered. The pandemic made things worse. The majority of the families were struggling both financially as well as trying to remain together. The paper will address some of the challenges I had to go through a divorce during the pandemic, how people coped with the challenges, and lessons learned.
Divorce is one of the most stressful situations especially when children are involved and in the middle of a pandemic. Most families with children try to stick together for the sake of the children, the parties most affected by the divorce. Many parents usually come to an understanding to put aside their happiness and remain as a family unit to ensure that their children grow in a complete family setup. My case was a unique one because it involved three school children. The challenges had begun sometime before the virus had spread to most parts of the world. In most cases, we had family issues, and we would sort them out through a respected family member, and in most cases, we would go to a marriage counselor for advice. At the time, we would manage to iron out most of the issues between us and continue living together as a united family. Moreover, we spent much time together because we had different work schedules.
The covid-19 pandemic made things worse because we had to spend much of our time in the house together due to the lockdown. We also had to work from home, which meant that we were usually together. Another factor that worsened the situation is that now we could not go to the counselor because of social distancing. After a few months of continuous misunderstanding, we ended the relationship because nothing was clearly working out. However, the major problem with the arrangement was the children. I acknowledged that they would get greatly affected because they were used to their parents and had never seen us quarrel because we never wanted to stress them with our issues.
Following the continued disagreement and consultations with friends, we decided that the best action with the prevailing conditions was to divorce and for each of us to go our separate ways. We filed the divorce on mutual agreement, and my partner had to move out with the children as we waited several months for the divorce process to be completed. I must admit that I got into depression following the divorce because I had given my all for the relationship to work, mainly for the children's sake, but my partner did not want to hear anything about it. So...
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