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Reading Response 2: Social And Historical Context Of Ideas

Essay Instructions:

You'll have the option of responding to either the Somerville, Stuart Hall, Anne Stoler, Nayan Shah, Carole Vance, or George Chauncey readings. Make sure you choose one author and read through before you write.
Reading Response 2
1) What is/are the key idea(s) presented in the reading? Explain the social and historical context of this/these idea(s).
2) Choose one piece of popular culture that you think can be related to the reading you are responding to. This can be drawn from a wide variety of media, given the expansive nature of the topics covered. Examples of media may include advertising, film, visual art, Instagram posts, Internet memes, pornography, literature, etc. Explain how you think this piece of popular culture relates to the key idea(s) in the reading. Does the reading give socio-historical context to the cultural object? How so? If there exists controversy around the object, please explain how this can be understood sociologically and historically.
PLEASE NOTE: It is preferred that you include brief descriptions the media you are relating to the reading. If you include images (these do not count toward page count), be responsible and judicious in choosing to display these. No graphic images are to be included in the assignment, unless there is a defensible reason for their inclusion. If you are unsure, please contact me about your choice of object.
1. Comprehension question: ability to explain, synthesize, and discuss ideas in the reading in your own words: 0-7.5 points
2. Application question: ability to apply the concepts and insights from the readings to other contexts: 0-7.5 points
Your assignment should be typed double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font, one-inch margins all around. The assignment should be between 3-4 pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Response 2-Somerville
Key idea(s) in Scientific Racism and the Emergence of the Homosexual Body
Somerville (1994) argued that sexuality is racialized and race is also sexualized, and the two are not separate aspects of identity, but rather the attributes should be seen together. While there have been interests in the use of medical and psychological interventions targeting the gays and lesbians, they have been ineffective. The scientific constructions of racism as well as the white and black bodies emerged almost the same time. Queer studies have increasingly focused on the construction of race and sexuality as part of identify. In 19th century western societies, sexual acts constituted identity, and homosexuality was seen to be out of the norm more than the modern society.
People understanding of sexuality and identity have depended on the historical moments since the 19th century. Medical discourse, including the work of physicians, psychiatrists and sexologist have been crucial to explain the historical argument of sexual identify (Somerville, 1994). In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century there was engagement on the issue of sexuality, and science was sanctioned to reveal answers about bodies (Somerville, 1994). Views about homosexuality changed during the time with medical explanations highlighting a homosexuality were deviant sexual choice, while the gender and sex roles were based on the mainstream white middle-class gender ideologies.
Somerville (1994) pointed out that sexologists racialized sexual ambiguity in the nineteenth and twentieth century. One of the ways through which they achieved this is by comparing anatomies, and this is especially female reproductive anatomy and genitalia as they sought to categorize bodies depending on the norms of sexuality. It is no surprise that black women were compared to lesbians because of myths about their genitalia (Somerville, 1994). In trying to distinguish...
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