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How Different Theorist Understand Capitalism, Inequality And Social Class

Essay Instructions:


Choose any one of the problems/themes addressed up until August 2nd, for example: sociological imagination, criminalization, research methods, socialization, the family, how different theorists understand capitalism and inequality, social class, technology and social interaction, etc. The themes are not mutually exclusive, and many of them overlap and inform one another. Thus, it is quite possible and acceptable for you to address interconnecting themes.

Choose at least two sources that touch upon your selected problem/theme. Sources may include any of the materials we have been using in class. It can be a combination of the two (e.g. one of each; one book chapter/theme and two articles; one book chapter and two films; etc.).

Briefly review/summarize the arguments presented by the author(s)/filmmaker(s) on your selected topic. What problem(s) do the authors/filmmakers identify/critique? How do the perspectives/arguments presented by each agree and/or differ? What type of evidence is provided to support these arguments? How convincing are the arguments? Do you agree or disagree with the authors' perspectives/arguments? On what basis do you agree or disagree? To what extent?

The primary objectives of this exercise are for you to demonstrate competence in three areas: 1) Demonstrating a clear understanding of the basic arguments presented by each selected author/filmmaker; 2) Further, to demonstrate an understanding of the interconnectedness between the various readings/films and the perspectives of various authors/filmmakers (and whether this interconnectedness is based on agreement, disagreement, or some admixture thereof); 3) Finally, in light of your own critical reflection on these texts/films, to clearly articulate your own perspective on this issue. Whether your perspective is in agreement/disagreement with that of the selected authors/filmmakers, it is necessary for you argue WHY you agree or disagree, HOW you came to your own conclusion, and on what basis/evidence.

Caveat: You do not have to provide work cited page UNLESS you use sources outside of those that we read in class. Otherwise, please use in text citation (Author Last Name, Page #)

Paper Guidelines:

3-4 pages

Double -spaced

11-12pt. font

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Reaction Exercise
How different theorist understand capitalism, inequality and social class
Even though the society is organized in terms of association, the problem is to understand who has the right to define these terms. People who fight for equality believe that everyone has the right to set societal rules and everyone is equal (Tan Chen, 2016). During the early centuries, people shared equal social standing; however, societies have since evolved becoming more complex with people elevating themselves (Tan Chen, 2016).
Today the society is stratified; people group themselves into classes resulting in an unequal distribution of capital. People are rewarded according to how much they possess (Patricia, 2017). Numerous theories exist explaining capitalism, inequality and social classes, but Karl Marx and Marx Weber are the two most influential sociologists who tried to explain the social changes taking place in our society.
Even though both theorists focused on the property as the element, that causes class differentiation, Marx and Weber believed that society was divided into two, those who possessed properties and those who did not (Machin & Stehr, 2016). The two theorists had different views on how to determine social classes and to understand the origin stratification. Social stratification has been an element of analysis by several theorists in an attempt to examine how society is organized into social-economic strata, presenting varied views.
The obvious distinction between the two theorists lies in the historical analysis of class and inequality whereby Weber asserts that culture is an element that catalyzes the economic condition. Marx believes that economic conditions are influenced by societal norms and culture (Machin & Stehr, 2016). According to Marx, certain factors especially capitalism alienate workers from their responsibilities. These factors are likely to cause polarization of the two different classes. Marx believed that the gap between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie would be greater and later result in a new process that leads to communism and a classless society in the future (Machin & Stehr, 2016).
Marx believed that under a capitalist system the society would fall into two classes the property owners and the propertyless workers. He contextualized the origin of modern capitalism by not focusing much on the historical process (Machin & Stehr, 2016). Weber did not agree with Marx, but believed that people would share similar class position and take collective action. However, the proletarian would react in different ways. According to Weber, competition between individuals caused inequalities as people struggle to get better positions in the society (Machin & Stehr, 2016).
Factors like education, family, and culture determine how one achieves the highest wages but not position. Weber did not link power with wealth, but only defined power as the ability for a person to implement plans, take action disregarding the protest from other groups (Machin & Stehr, 2016).Consequently, in modern society, for instance, high paid manager is at the bottom of the bureaucracy hierarchy they do not possess power or prestige they may be paid higher ...
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