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My Sisters Keeper Ethics Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is like a 6 part paper 2 of this I will have to scan and send to you on Sunday. You reall have to red the instructions first I was to watch a movie and talk about it. I picked My sister's keeper 2009 pg-13. You have to watch the movie it is about a 11 year old girl suing her mother and father because she was born to supply her sister needs since she was dieing the 11 year old girl got tired of giving up bone marror, then the parents wanted the girl to give her sister one of her kidney. The 11 year old girl feels she was born to supply her sisters needs and she went and got a lawyer. The little girl is who I want the story to be about she is who I picked in the movie and it will be another part that I do not need until the 14th of aug if you finish it all in 10 days find. The second thing on this assisgnment is the state rules review worksheet for arizona and ohio make this maybe 4 references still in text citations when you can.The third thing is the counselor dispositions worksheetaccording to the counselor dispositional expectations. Culutal diversity is ok I try to understand them and respect then. My strongest part is genuineness because I have to gain the client trust by telling them what I been throught in my life prison three times and I am working on a degree but it is hard work, empathy I try to put myself in their shoes, acceptance, I leave the client where they are at and hope they hear something that bring them around. I have send you the pages that is needed from the DSM-5 that is in the instructions. I have send you other articles in which you may need. Look at order number 00054020 there is chapter 4 that you will need you did my 4-1 and 4-2 that may help you as well. I will also send you again all four instructions so they will be together and the other 2 assisignments that goes with this order in the morning.

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Date of submission
Biopsychosocial Assessment: My Sister’s Keeper (2009) (PG 13)
Regarding the film My Sister's Keeper, Ann, a 13-year-old child sues for the medical divorcement from her parents upon realizing that she was conceived to use her blood and organ to save her sister Kate who is dying from leukaemia. Ann claims through her lawyer for the ‘right to life' and demands her parents to give her freedom of making decisions on choices of what to do with her body. However, the film ends when the characters reveal the real reason behind the lawsuit since Kate decided to take end her life due to the suffering that they have been through (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Assessment of Movie
Anna as a character in the film "My Sister's Keeper" is born to serve Kate, her sister who has leukemia. The overwhelming burden of caring for Kate as well as being denied the right and freedom of choice for her life makes her depressed. A report that is issued by her lawyer reveals that Anna has a behavior change with a frequent engagement on self-destruction (Johnson, Chuck, Scott & Cassavetes, 2009). The depression condition arose due to the constant disagreements that she has with her parents concerning kidney transplant as well as blood tissue she donates to Kate. Also, Kate empathizes with her sister and feels sad for her. However, she is not ready to go through the painful condition of surgery (Johnson, Chuck, Scott & Cassavetes, 2009).
Regarding the life situation, Anna is healthy regarding her judgment and perceptual patterns. However, she began having an emotional problem immediately she realized that she was conceived to help her sister through the donation of blood tissue and kidney organ. Therefore, she is depressed since her parents have been unable to reveal to her such crucial information (Johnson, Chuck, Scott & Cassavetes, 2009).
The film shows that Anna is well. However, she is the only person who can help Kate with blood tissue and organ. Kate is strong, healthy and engages in different activities and enjoys every moment with her sister (Johnson, Chuck, Scott & Cassavetes, 2009). She is loving, social, well mannered and cares for her sister. Anna is bold and ready to accept any situation so long as her sister Kate gets better than her current condition. However, her relationship with the family has not been such positive especially when she realized that her parents had denied her the truth about her birth history. Therefore, she files a lawsuit to get her freedom of choice to life (Johnson, Chuck, Scott & Cassavetes, 2009).
Answers to Biopsychosocial Assessment Template
Identifying Information; A report by her lawyer reveals that Anna has a behaviour change and frequently engages in self-destructive behaviours (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Presenting the problem; The depression comes as a result of the condition of her sister who is dying of leukaemia coupled with the high burden of experiencing a life without her elder sister if she disagrees for the kidney transplant. She is guilty because of her reluctance to go for the kidney transplant and is not in a position to make own decisions regarding the medication. On a separate note, Anna gets a lot of pressure from her parents to donate the kidney to her sister Kate. She is willing to assist her sister. However, she is not ready to go through the surgery process as well as not ready to have health complications later on (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Life Stressors; The cognitive assessment and perceptual patterns reveal that Anna has no sensory problem since she can read and listen to music. In most of the film, Anna is judgmental and wants to help her sister by giving her blood tissues and even wants to donate her organ to ensure that her sister recovers. However, she is depressed and has emotional problems due to constant strains of the life of the family and the worsening condition of her sister (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Medical Assessment: Based on the health assessment pattern, Anna knows her condition. She knows that she is well and needs to aid her sister Kate with her blood tissues and even organ because the sister has leukaemia and kidney problem. About exercise, Anna is strong and can do activities. She encourages her sister to accompany her to the beach for exercise and shopping as well as finding time to enjoy every moment with her friends. Regarding her metabolism and nutrition, Anna only eats hygienic and well prepared organic foods as that are valued by her family who cares for her sister Kate (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Family Information: Anna has a family that cares for the children. However, her relationship with the family is worse. She brought a lawsuit against her parents compelling them to give her freedom and demands for her rights for life and freedom to make decisions on her own. She accompanies her sister to the hospital and takes care of her and is self-conscious about not having hair. She even suggests that her sister should have a wig to make her look pretty (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Initial diagnosis (DSM):In the film “My Sister’s Keeper”, Anna is showed as a depressed person who feels pain because of her sister’s condition. However, the film does not provide much concerning her health status.
Mental Health: Anna is mentally depressed due to the condition of her sister Kate who suffers from leukaemia. In addition, she is pressurized by the kind of life she goes through and forced to donate to her sister some blood DNA and note ready to donate her kidney to Kate due to the complex process that it involves. A report from the lawyer reveals that she does not behave in a normal way and engages in self destructive activities. However, the film does not provide much concerning her mental health.
Spiritual Assessment; My Sister's Keeper film does not provide any episode regarding religion or belief. However, both Anna and Kate are taught discipline, love and socialization (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Social Concept / Relationship; Social concept reveals both self-concept and personality. Therefore, an assessment of self-concept reveals that Anna is bold and accepts her situation. She accepts solve the problem of her sister Kate and the family. Anna knows how to read emotions in others and determines the best ways to react to situations. She realised that Kate wanted her to suit her parents who were constantly forcing her to donate her blood tissues against her will. Regarding the personal assessment, Anna is an extrovert person who loves the too much social lifestyle. She hangs out with the family and enthusiast in love for her sister, shopping and feels depressed upon realizing that her sister is going to die (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Initial treatment goals
The goals for the assessment for the basis for treatment plan with respect to the person’s therapy. Therefore, the family will promote a parenting plan that improves the behavior of Anna which will be rated at least 6 out of 10 for excellent in improvement. Thus, there will be household rules and lists or consequences and rewards in monitoring the progress of Anna with respect to the behavior.
The effective treatment plan for Anna will detail the following components:
History and Demographics: Anna has loving parents. However, the relationship has not been well after realizing that she was born for the purpose of helping her sister when in need of blood tissues and organ transplant. She cares for her sister though the need to have freedom of choice in her life makes her file a lawsuit against her parents (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Concern: Anna files a lawsuit against her parents concerning her right to make choices. The demands by her parents make her depressed as revealed by her lawyer regarding the change of behavior especially her self-destructive action (Johnson, Chuck, Scott &Cassavetes, 2009).
Treatment: the goal for treatment against depression is aimed at normalizing Anna’s life that has change for worse.
Strength: Anna is bold and accepts her situation. She accepts solve the problem of her sister Kate and the family. Anna knows how to read emotions in others and determines the best ways to react to situations. She realised that Kate wanted her to suit her parents who were constantly forcing her to donate her blood tissues against her will. Therefore, Anna is able to cope well with her condition hence she will be able to successfully go through her treatment.
Modality: a parenting plan will constitute the treatment modality to achieve the goals. All the progress will be recorded until completion of the treatment.
Interventions: in the parenting plan mechanism, the different goals highlighted above will include different techniques and interventions concerning the depression and mental status that Anna is undergoing. Lastly, the outcome will be documented including the progress towards the goals especially for every goal.
Arizona State Rules Review Worksheet

Arizona State’s Code

Practice State Code

Importance to treatment planning

Consent for Treatment


Consent for parents needed for mental health,

Proper screening, treatment, classification of the problems among others.

Treatment Plan


Individual treatment plan, diagnostic assessment.

Psychological evaluation and description of the tests and results
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