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Rules and Cultural Values of Syracuse University

Essay Instructions:

Write a ~1,000 word paper that draws on your observations to describe and analyze the rules of place in a location connected to Syracuse University or the city of Syracuse. The paper should reflect upon your relationship to those rules and others’ uneven relationship to those same rules. Your paper should reference and cite key concepts from lecture and Tim Cresswell’s In Place/Out of Place, including culture, place-making, inclusion/exclusion, and the rules of place. In the process, your paper will help your readers understand the uneven geographies of culture – sometimes contested, sometimes shared, but always complex – that make Syracuse (University) a place.

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Rules and Cultural Values of Syracuse University
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Rules and Cultural Values of Syracuse University
1 Introduction
Syracuse University is a private research university located in Syracuse, New York. It was established in 1870 and has become one of the top universities in the United States. The university has rules and regulations that all students, faculty, and staff must follow. The campus also provides different dormitory facilities for the students, which they can avail of according to their education year. These rules are designed to maintain order and ensure everyone is safe and respected. Tim Cresswell's concept of "place-making" seems relevant when analyzing the rules of Syracuse University (Cresswell, 1996). The rules significantly shape the university's campus culture and create a sense of place.
2 Discussion and Analysis
Cresswell's idea of "inclusion/exclusion" is also relevant when analyzing the rules of Syracuse University. The university's rules serve as a way to ensure that everyone who is part of the university community feels included and welcomed. For example, the university's non-discrimination policy states that all members of the university community are entitled to an equal opportunity to participate in university activities and be treated with respect. This policy helps to promote an inclusive environment and induce easy dormitory facilities where everyone feels valued, regardless of their background. My friends generally think that the rules are necessary and helpful in maintaining a safe and respectful environment on campus.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Student Dormitories Facilities Campus-wise
(Anonymous, n.d. e)
As shown in the figure above, different dormitory facilities are being provided at the university. First-year students can book their accommodation even before reaching the campus. The final-year students are given special esteem and can easily apply for and acquire single dormitories. As I have just entered the university, I got the opportunity to get a convenient dormitory facility even before reaching the campus. The residential options provided by the campus are helpful compared to the similar outside facilities and the harsh weather conditions. Syracuse University is a diverse and inclusive community with students, faculty, and staff from various cultural backgrounds. Since culture plays a significant role in shaping the university's campus life and creating a sense of place (Anonymous, 2018 a). In addition, the university hosts various cultural events throughout the year, such as the International Festival, which showcases the diverse cultures and traditions of the university's students, faculty, and staff.
Some of my student-athlete friends appreciate the rules regarding drug use and performance-enhancing substances, as they feel these rules help to level the playing field and ensure that all athletes compete fairly. It has not been long since I have been here to study, so I have not accompanied too many friends. However, some of my classmates have also expressed frustration with some rules, such as the restrictions on social gatherings and alcohol consumption. They feel these rules could be more relaxed and challenging to abide by, especially for those of legal drinking age.
However, cultural values can sometimes conflict, leading to feelings of exclusion and marginalization. Drinking alcohol is part of the university's norm, and to intermix with other mates, one has to drink. However, some students may feel uncomfortable with the university's alcohol and drug policies, which may conflict with their cultural values. Also, it is the socialist culture in university to drink. If one does not drink, one cannot socialize with others...
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