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Family Cycles of Abuse

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,000-word paper that analyzes how a cycle of abuse may emerge in a family in which abuse occurs over multiple generations. Use the theoretical perspectives discussed in the readings to frame your analysis.

Be sure to address the following:

Explain how patterns of substance use often influence patterns of abusive behavior.

Describe environmental factors that may influence patterns of abuse within the family.

Identify and describe current abuse trends

You must include a minimum of two academic references to support your paper.

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Cycles of Abuse in Families
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Cycles of Abuse in Families
Cycles of abuse define a repeating pattern of abusive behaviors in a relationship that features tension building, explosion, and reconciliation. In the tension-building phase, the abuser becomes increasingly controlling, jealous and critical, eventually ushering in the explosion phase where the abuser engages in physical, emotional, or psychological abuse or any combination of these forms of abuse. In the reconciliation stage, the abuser may apologize and promise to change, or the victim may make excuses for the abuser's behavior. There may be a period of calm and stability, but the tension-building phase will eventually start again. Breaking the cycle of abuse requires a multi-faceted approach, including education, prevention, and interventions that address the root causes of abuse and provide support to those who have been affected.
In the context of a family, one way through which a cycle of abuse emerges is through substance abuse. Substance abuse can lead to impaired judgment, increased aggression, irritability, and decreased inhibitions, which can increase the likelihood of abusive behavior (Austin, Lesak, & Shanahan, 2020). In some cases, substance abuse may also be a coping mechanism for individuals who have experienced trauma or abuse, and they may continue to use substances to manage their emotions and feelings. Additionally, substance abuse can also create an environment where abuse is more likely to occur. For example, an individual who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be more likely to engage in abusive behavior, or an individual who is addicted to substances may become more vulnerable to abuse by others.
Notably, environmental factors can play a significant role in influencing the patterns of abuse that emerge within a family. Notably, family dynamics is one of the key factors that can play a major role in influencing the cycles of abuse in a family. Aspects of family dynamics such as a lack of communication, lack of boundaries, and power imbalances, can create an environment where abuse is more likely to occur (Austin, Lesak, & Shanahan, 2020). For example, in families where one person holds a position of power over others, it may be easier for them to engage in abusive behavior. In addition to family dynamics, social and cultural factors are likely to play a major role in shaping cycles of abuse in families. To this end, social and cultural norms influence how abuse is perceived and treated within a family. Community attitudes and nor...
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