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Journal Entries: Master Narrative. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

The course is about racial formation and dimensions of culture. Here's the prompt for the reading journal:

You will generate a 400-500 words brief journal entry discussing a concept listed below related to racial formation theory. Analyze specific examples from readings/lectures, but do not just quote or paraphrase them. If you do, explain in twice as many lines their meaning and significance and cite the material in APA format. This is an opportunity for you to think through the readings and lectures on your own. Use only assigned material. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES.

You need to write the journal about ONE of the following topics:

Master Narrative

Racial Projects

Structure and representation

Please only use the reading material that I upload. I will upload the reading material by pictures. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journal Entries: Master Narrative
Institutional Affiliations
Journal Entries: Master Narrative
The Chinese first came to America in the 1800s following the promise of greener pastures. Back in China, many were in harsh conditions due to the high taxes imposed on farmers by the Qing government (Book). The floods experienced around 1847 did not make the situation any better. Unable to pay these taxes, many fled to America, where they received better pay and life. Where a laborer could only make three to five dollars in China, those working in California made up to thirty dollars a month (Book). This difference enticed many Chinese men to make trips to America, plan to labor for a while, make a fortune, and go back home. This explains why most of them did not take their wives with them to America.
Wives and children remained in China as men planned to work temporarily. They were a form of security to the family of the men. Keeping the wives and children in China meant that the men would send money and eventually come back home (Book). On settling in America, most Chinese men did not find the place as they had expected. They were highly u...
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