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International Organisations - International relations. Influence of (Powerful) States on International Organizations.

Essay Instructions:

How and why do states seek to control international organisations and are there means for IOs to resist? Please gives examples to back your argument.

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Influence of (Powerful) States on International Organizations
The growing clout of nation states has made inevitable in international relations assuming control of international organizations. This is particularly applicable to superpowers. The United States is a prime example. Having interests spanning across as each and every corner of world affairs, U.S Government influences international relations – and, for that matter, international organizations in several key ways. The recent withdrawal of U.S from World Health Organization (WHO) is a case in point. Serving U.S. interests, now outgoing U.S President Donald Trump, accusing WHO of manipulating COVID-19 in favor of China, decided, single-highhandedly, to quit. This is, if anything, a stark example of current state of political affair at a global scale. Indeed, U.S bullying, a designation so common to U.S politics and international relations, has come to shape early 21st century international relations – and international organizations. Consider, for instance, U.S constant intervention, direct and indirect, to influence decisions by UN Security Council. By vetoing a wide range of decisions made by permanent members, in addition to regular members, of UN Security Council U.S. Government blocks majority interests – at considerable cost to political integrity and international cooperation. Unsurprisingly, U.K. Government, a key U.S. ally, follows suit. Indeed, in several recent and not so recent occasions, U.K. Government has influenced international organizations supported by, and rarely independently from, U.S Government. Consider Invasion of Iraq in 2003. faking evidence against Iraqi president Saddam Hussein of owning weapons of mass destruction (WMD), strange bed fellows in international politics concocted hardly credible justifications to invade Iraq. The objective monitoring of UN, as a supposedly overarching organization, shows silence and action next to nothing. This stance is understood if one knows U.S. – and for that matter, key West allies – are major contributions to UN budget. Thus, money, in pure form,
factors in as a major lever powerful governments influence, if not practically control, international organizations.
In addition, emerging economies, particularly BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), offer a counterweight to influences exercised by powerful governments. Indeed, emerging economies, particularly China, appear to “buy” influence at international organizations by instating officials who would support national agendas. In doing so, emerging economies exercise influence in ways no less damaging to international cooperation compared to powerful states. To complicate matters, smaller c...
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