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The four levels of analysis. Social Sciences Essay.

Essay Instructions:

We can organize explanations of war according to four levels of analysis. Provide an explanation of war from each level of analysis. Which explanation do you find most convincing?

The four levels of analysis are: The bureaucracy, the nation state, and the international system

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The Four Levels of Analysis
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The Four Levels of Analysis
Levels of analysis is a key concept in international relations that can be used to understand complex world problems. One of the main challenges facing the world is the presence of wars, which have significantly interfered with the way of lives of many people around the world. When one thinks of war, the region that immediately comes to one’s mind is the Middle East, an area that has experienced numerous wars in the recent past. The levels of analysis can be integral in understanding wars, such as the ones that have been prevalent in the Middle East. The four levels of the concept are individual, bureaucracy, nation-state, and international (Temby, 2015). This paper organizes explanations of war according to these four levels and decides the most convincing one.
At the individual level, the analysis focuses on the people, particularly the leaders involved in the decisions surrounding wars. It is important to note that people formulate foreign policy and therefore, they can have a significant influence on the course of wars. Therefore, the moral principles and psychological nature of a leader can perpetuate a war (Webber, n.d.). The aggressive nature of a leader in power can drive a group or a nation to participate in a war. From this level of analysis, the innate state of man plays a role in explaining wars.
The bureaucracy level revolves around the decision-making structures and processes that influence the occurrence and course of wars. The decisions taken by state officials can initiate and perpetuate wars. According to Ricks (2016), the U.S. wages war through bureaucracy and it limits the country’s chances of winning. The unrivaled power generated by the institutions has undermined the ability of the country to carry out modern war. The structures and processes in government can thus explain the occurrence and process of war.
The nation state level re...
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