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Reactive Attachment Disorder. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:


Step 1: Watch the video above.

Step 2: Research.

Conduct research on the Internet and using other library resources to find information about Reactive Attachment Disorder.

Step 3: Write a two-page report.

Don not include the questions in the body of work, but be sure to address the following:

What are some examples of Beth's abusive behavior? What is Reactive Attachment Disorder, and what causes it? What symptoms of RAD does Beth seem to exhibit? What are the indicators that investigators should be aware of in a potential case such as this? What kinds of treatment may be prescribed for this sort of behavior?

Step 4: Cite the sources (including the video) for your information BOTH in the text and with a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reactive Attachment Disorder
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Beth abusive behavior is evident in the way she abuses her brother Jonathan. Beth often sticks pain in her brother’s body. She also pulls, pinches, and hits her brother’s private parts (MarkLegg87, 2011). In one instance, her adopted parents realized that Jonathan was having abdominal pains and they later found out that Beth was kicking his stomach. In another instance, Beth tries to kill her brother by hitting his head severally on the concrete floor. Another example of Beth’s abusive behavior is the way she attacks animals. She often sticks pins on the family’s dog and cat. She also killed baby birds that had nested in a tree near the family house (MarkLegg87, 2011).
Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a condition where a child fails to establish heathy attachment with the primary caregivers. RAD is characterized by distinctly disturbed behavior and development of inappropriate ways of interacting or relating within social contexts. RAD is caused lack of attachment between the young child with her primary caregiver caused by adverse negligent. This occurs because of continuous disregard of the child’s emotional needs for affection, comfort, as well as simulation. RAD also occurs because of continuous disregard of the basic physical needs of the child (Reactive Attachment, 2018). In other cares, recurring changes of the child’s primary caregiver such as moving from one foster home to another prevents the development of stable attachments.
One symptom of RAD that Beth seems to exhibit is detached. Beth is detached from the feelings of others in the way she describes her desire to kill her parents, her brother, and other people. The other symptom is taking actions that would be classified as psychopathy such as the way she intentionally harms her brother, their pets, and also harming herself. For example, she harmed herself by masturbating excessively until she got infections and started bleeding (MarkLegg8...
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