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Access and read the case - Voisine v. U.S. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Step 1: Access and read the case attached -- Voisine v. U.S.

Step 2: Write an essay that is 2 full pages in length about the case, being sure to address the following questions (but do NOT include the questions in the body of work):

What is the overall issue decided in this case?

Two Supreme Court Justices write opinions in this case. Who are they, and what do they have to say about the issue at hand? What is the overall opinion of the court in this case (That which controls what the law will be)? What is the dissent, and what does that/those Justices have to say?

The Court spends a great deal of time debating what "use of physical force" means, for purposes of making their final decision. What is the gist of the argument between the majority opinion and the dissent? Explain how each side defines "use of physical force." What examples do each side use to illustrate their arguments?

Explain, in detail, who might be impacted by this decision? What careers may be impacted, and why?

Please, let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to access the PDF file.

Thank you very much in advance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Voisine v. the United States
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Whether it is the United States, England, Canada or Asia, no government allows the residents to carry firearms illegally, and the unwise or excessive use of weapons is always discouraged. Certain policies have been implemented in this regard. In the history of the United States, Voisine v. the United States emerged as a prominent case in which the Court announced that the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban would be extended to those convicted of reckless domestic violence. Petitioners in this particular case were of the view that the federal government should not forbid them from keeping weapons or firearms. However, the government and the police were concerned about the safety and security of people. The arguments were technical, but the U.S. Supreme Court managed to reach its judgment with the 6-2 majority (Davis, 2017).
On June 27, 2016, the Supreme Court clarified that domestic abusers would not be permitted to carry weapons at any cost. Plus, their access to guns and pistols was ordered to be limited as soon as possible. The Court claimed that domestic violence is a big threat to the society and that the domestic abusers might buy firearms in excess in the future, so they were prohibited from purchasing any weapon. In February 2016, during the arguments, Justice Clarence Thomas asked some crucial questions when assistant solicitor general Ilana H. Eisenstein was about to wrap up her case. The same month, Justice Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor voted against the federal law. They favored domestic violence claiming that minor use of force is not bad at all. Sotomayor claimed that small acts of forcible touching are sometimes necessary at home. On the other h...
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