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Categories of Agents of Socialization

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Agents of Socialization
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July 21, 2018
Every day we experience a lot of social interactions from the moment that we wake up until the time that we fall asleep. While it might seem mundane, these continuous processes where we communicate with others have influenced us in more ways than we can think of. Also known as Socialization, these interactions shape our internal beliefs and guide our actions in a direction that is acceptable within the social norms prescribed by the public CITATION Sta11 \l 1033 (Standford Univesity, 2011). However, To observe and fully understand this process, it is necessary to define what causes socialization and categorize it in a way where its effects are readily observable. The term ‘agents of socialization’, refers to five categories (Family, School, Peers, Media, and Religion) that become the source of our interaction, leading to what we call as Socialization (University of Minnesota, n.d.). By focusing on these five, I believe that a much more thorough analysis could then be made.
Perhaps one of the most influential institutions that shaped me as I was growing up was my Family. From the time that I was a kid, and even today my parents have never failed to remind me of the ethics and values that I should observe regardless of who I am dealing with. There were even times when they would scold me for being rude to my high school teachers that further instilled the importance of respect and proper treatment for others. Aside from this, my family (particularly my mother) would also be the one to introduce me to my current faith. She would take me to church regularly, while she listens to the pastor deliver his sermon. Since I was only in high school...
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