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Psychology and Students

Essay Instructions:
1.) Large classes are the norm in many universities. How will you as an instructor help use various teaching methods to achieve the goals of your class and maintain student interest? Give at least 2 specific examples. 2.) You are assigned to teach a laboratory course on research methods in psychology, discuss two methods that you can use to promote interest and discussion. 3.) Discuss three methods of assessment (other than testing) and when you would each one. What are the key issues related to each? 4.) What are the key issues related to cheating and plagiarism? How as an instructor, would you handle a student who plagiarized a paper? 5.) A student comes to her instructor and disputes the grade she received on her final paper. She has received a ā€œCā€. She contends that she fulfilled the assignment as described. The paper is exactly 10 pages long and has the requisite five references as stated in the syllabus. Other than length and number of references, the professor only stipulated that the paper should be a quality paper. What should the professor do now? What might the professor do in the future to avoid these types of situations? Be specific. 6.) Discuss the benefits of using multiple grading points throughout the semester. Why do you think some professors avoid this? Is this ethical?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Methods of maintaining student interest in large classes
Various teaching methods have been studied and tested to measure their suitability with scenarios of large classes in institutions of higher learning. A combination of several methods would be the best way to achieve fair delivery and still completion of the syllabus on time. They would be technologically and socially oriented.
For large classes in institutions of higher learning, large screens on which presentations and notes would be displayed allowing the students to discuss the topics involved intermittently. The jigsaw method of study is also good for ensuring that all students in large classes feel sufficiently accommodated and involved in the learning process. It involves giving students assignments where they read sections of study material chapters independently away from school, then come make presentations to fellow students during the next lesson. Group work is also a good strategy. Grouping students and assigning each group a team project that is to be completed outside class. The groups would have to come and share their findings and work when in the lecture hall. Another way to ensure all students get an opportunity to participate in the learning process fairly is the use of case studies. Students would be assigned case studies individually. These case studies would include questions that would require the students to respond to, while studying. They would then share their responses when they meet in the next class while in groups of handfuls, like five students. These methods have been tested and their success statistics are already available. (J. Carpenter, 2004).
Promoting Interest and discussion
For a successful delivery of lectures and physical training, all students should be put in an environment that allows them to generate sufficient interest in the topics and even be able to discuss what they are learning freely. All students should be allowed to participate in discussions and presentations on fairly distributed time frame. Not allowing some students to dominate the discussions would elicit interest and participation from more students. Students should be encouraged to express their opinions simply and holistically and in a way that will not offend fellow participants. It is uncommon for all students to have the same discipline levels as to study away from school equally. Therefore, allowing them to reflect on the content and lectures delivered to them intermittently, during the lecture, would help reduce the effect of the variance in discipline levels in students. This is to allow them to assess what they have consumed in terms of knowledge. They can reflect on how they are developing knowledge wise and ponder on the issues raised. This allows them to participate in the lecture and training and anticipate for the next part of lecture and instructions. (Roy 2006)
Students` learning progress assessment methods
To be able to gauge the learning progress of students, instructors would have to employ different methods to assess them. If done right, undergraduate research can be an effective method of assessment. It is quite a suitable method for both small and large classes as it can be used on individuals or groups. Each student or group gets tailored instructions from the professor. This method grants students closer contact with their instructors and there is greater exchange of knowledge and information between students, instructors and other individuals that are sources of information. It helps students mature as independent thinkers and the final project presented to the lecturer can be used to successfully assess the progress of the student. The shortcoming of research projects as assessment methods is that it takes place outside regular classes and a lot of time and effort is spent by students and instructors to ensure that quality projects are produced.
Another good method of assessment would be portfolio assessment. A student`s work that exhibits the student`s progress, efforts and achievements in one or more areas of the curriculum. It shows how the student is progressing in learning and how he or she is changing over time. Such portfolios assessment involve student participation in content selection, criteria for content selection and merits judgment and evidence of a student`s reflection. This method encourages self-learning and enlarges the view of what is learned.
The method of teaching an instructor employs can also be used to assess students` learning process and growth. It allows for instructors to subject students to different methods of content delivery then infer their understanding of the domain being explored. Some students perform differently when different teaching methods are used and it is important to ensure that as many students as possible are comfortable and benefiting with the method the instructor is using.
Social identity is an individual`s self-concept derived from perceived membership to a social group. The method the instructor employs to deliver content and perform assessment should take into consideration the natural stratification of the students, especially when using methods that require grouping of students. An instructor should ensure that no student feels uncomfortable when undergoing the learning process. Students should also be given the opportunity to get exposed and get out of their social cocoons for a better future.
Issues relating to plagiarism
Cheating and plagiarism in learning institutions is rife. This is due to various factors that include bad time management that leads to insufficient study by students therefore when exams come, they are pushed into cheating. Peer pressure accelerates the cheating process. Less seriousness and placing little importance to assignments by students often leads to plagiarism, considering the amount of information available on the internet. Students comple...
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