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Probation and the Effects of Supervision

Essay Instructions:

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a 1200-word APA Style paper. The project should have 1200-words of substance not counting the cover, abstract and reference pages. The Term Project must be in a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the assignment section. Students will be required to use five (5) scholarly references, and two of these references MUST be peer-reviewed journal articles from the APUS online library databases. 

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines. There is a sample paper attached that students can use as a template for their project. Feel free to copy and keep the sample paper as a model to help guide your work. 

The class instructor will read and grade your papers with professor comments for improvement as needed. The course will be using the Criminal Justice Writing Rubric to grade the Term Project. The rubric is also attached to this assignment. Please make sure that you are using the writing rubric as a checklist as you work on the Term Project. 

Students must choose a topic related to community correctional programs. Students should use the following list for direction in selecting a topic and submit their topic of choice, along with a thesis statement, for approval in week two.

Probation and the effects of supervision

The class instructor is looking for critical thinking and demonstrating that you have a grasp of the criminal justice material you are researching. Do not just regurgitate information but analyze the articles, journals, and scholarly literature you use to support your work. 

Do not include quotes in your work. The course instructor wants to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper. You will lose points for using quotes so stay away from quotes in this analytical assignment. 

Make sure to edit your work for basic English and grammar errors. Stay away from the passive voice and first person.

Do not wait to the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality paper that highlights your criminal justice writing. 

The Term Project is due by the end of Week 7

This a major assignment so follow the instructions carefully.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Probation and the Effects of Supervision
Past research on probation and supervision has shown that recidivism can be reduced by adopting a balanced approach when it comes to supervision programs. The real effects of supervision are yet to bet determined despite the earlier claims from existing literature. This research examines the effect of supervision on prison population, cost saving and recidivism. The findings reveal that supervision helps a great deal in prison decongestion through prison diversion. Apart from that, increased surveillance and monitoring activities during probation costs more when compared to incarceration. The results also indicate that supervision contributes to increased recidivism. The paper also discusses the implications of these findings.
Congestion in prisons has been a major problem in many countries because of the ever increasing number of criminal offenders and that is why policy makers had to come up with alternative systems of criminal sanctions in an attempt to decongest prisons (Brown, 2007). Probation is one of the most popular alternatives to incarceration and the new method has led to positive outcomes in some countries, but other countries are still struggling to implement the new alternative. Despite the fact that the program has been a success in most countries, some policy analysts still claim that the program is not appropriate for serious offenders because they are more likely to recidivate. The program also faces image problems and inadequate funding for probation agencies. Supervision is one of the measures that have been put in place by most probation agencies to eradicate recidivism, but very little research has been to determine the effects of supervision on crime (Brown, 2007). Most researchers have always been interested in finding out the effectiveness of supervision programs in terms of prison diversion, cost savings and reduced recidivism since the program was used for the first time 1950s. This paper will critically analyze probation and the effects of supervision.
Background Information
The growing prison population in the 1980s was caused by exchanges in the criminal justice system when retribution and deterrence became the guiding philosophy instead of rehabilitation. Some of the criminal offenders had to be punished in the community through probation programs order to decongest prisons (Brown, 2007). The probation was given some serious thought and consideration during this period because most countries had been very skeptical about the whole program when it was suggested for the time in the 1950s. The idea of punishing criminal offenders within the community was not well received because most people thought that it as a very lenient proposition and there was no guarantee that it would reduce the recidivism rates. Supervision programs were introduced as a result of these concerns in order to reduce recidivism, save state money and at the same time divert prison bound offenders (Brown, 2007). Although supervision programs were supposed to achieve numerous goals, a recent survey reveals that the programs have not been very successful. The shift from regular probation to intensive supervision was supposed to bear positive results, but critics of the Intensive Supervision Programs argue that the programs have failed to deliver the expected results (Canton& Hancock, 2013). In fact, they claim that regular probation is more effective and less costly as compared to the supervision programs.
Effects of Supervision
Prison Decongestion through Prison Diversion
Offenders that would have gone to prison can now be placed under regular supervision and therefore the supervision initiative has helped a great deal when it comes to prison diversion (Warchol, 2000). Many offenders have been diverted from prison and this has led to a reduction in prison congestion, especially in the last three decades (Canton & Hancock, 2013). Offenders that used to be sentenced to prison are now placed on regular probation supervision after the amendment of sentences in most states. A recent survey has shown that almost half of the offenders receive direct sentences to regular supervision. In some countries, offenders that have spent a certain amount of days...
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