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Intervention Method in Human Services

Essay Instructions:

Module 2: Critical Thinking

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Evidence-Based Practice Search (100 Points)

In a two- or three-page paper (not including reference page), please address the following:

Select a human service need that is of professional interest to you (homelessness, poverty, mental illness, or domestic violence, for example)—it may not be the same one that you use for your Portfolio deliverable this week.

Describe your topic and provide a brief summary about it and your interest in it.

Perform a search on one of the following website directories for Evidence-Based interventions to use for your topic:




Select one intervention related to your topic. Provide rationale for why you selected the intervention you did.

Reflect on your research process. Describe what you encountered in the search for an intervention to use in (3) above. What barriers did you encounter? What went well and what did not? What would you do differently?

Your paper must be formatted and cited according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. You will also need to cite the directory (a-c, above) where you found your intervention—and this means you will also need a reference page. If you have questions about APA style or need help with writing mechanics, the CSU-Global Library has many resources for you.

My instruction :My proffessional Interest will be Domestic Violence .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Services
Living in the general population that is enjoying the normal basic amenities on a regular basis, it is quite easy to take for granted some the struggles people that do not have a roof over their heads endure. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are more than one million people that are supported under emergency, permanent and transition housing programs on an annual basis(Portal.hud.gov, 2015). It is also estimated that the total number of persons that experience homelessness are twice the figure. To be more accurate, it is estimated that more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness every year(Studentsagainsthunger.org, 2015). This is a staggering figure relative to the brutal experiences that much of this population has to put up with on a daily basis as they try to simply survive. This is a population that is battered by poverty, violence, drug and substances abuse and a myriad of issues related to their health and especially their mental health(Studentsagainsthunger.org, 2015). As such this is a population is constantly experiencing some of the most difficult lives within the general population and one that is given very little attention relative to the magnitude of their basic struggles to live fulfilling lives.
One of the basic interventions that can be quite crucial relative to the struggles that the homeless people face is the Pathways’ Housing First Program(Nrepp.samhsa.gov, 2015). At the heart of all the struggles that the homeless face is the fact that they do not have a home to, which then culminates into forming unhealthy relationships and habits on the streets in a bid to beat their conditions(Nrepp.samhsa.gov, 2015). The chosenintention however does not just address the housing aspect even though it does make it a priority; it also embraces the elements of a support system. Getting a person that is addicted to hard drugs or other illicit habits, a house, does not really assist their situation as they have more complications than getting shelter. The program observes that housing is a basic right and that consumers also have their right to choice, harm reduction and even psychiatric rehabilitation(Nrepp.samhsa.gov, 2015).As such, based on the needs of the various homeless persons, the program offers a house and support services. This forms the basic tenet of choosing the intervention, relative to the fact that it addresses the basic housing problem and also goes further to help the homeless population with the support systems, to help them get over their psychological and social issues that they have developed over time and could be a hindrance to starting a new life. The program also recognizes that, for some of the homeless people, a house would be all that they need to get their lives back on track(Nrepp.samhsa.gov, 2015). For others, they would use more than a house as they woul...
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