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Revision Questions

Essay Instructions:

Provide answers in point form to the Review questions attached using the modules 7-12 attached. NO outside source required. Please use only attached documents. Answer the questions in 2 to 3 sentences or in point form. You do not need to copy the questions on the paper but you need to write the number of the Module.


Review Questions  MODULE 7

1. What were 5 factors that hindered effective political organizing for First Nations people?  (See Lecture 1: Early Political Organizing)

 2.  Why the Royal Commission of 1912 appointed in B.C. and what was the outcome of their work?  (See Lecture 1: Political Organizing in B.C.)

 3. Why was the 1927 Joint Commission appointed in B.C.? What was the outcome of their work and what was the impact for First Nations?  (See Lecture 1: Political Organizing in B.C.)

 4. What were the root organizations that eventually lead to the formation of the provincial organization known today as the FSIN?  (See Lecture 1: National Political Organizing)

 5. What are the names of the four national Aboriginal political organizations which exist today and whose interests do they represent?  (See Lecture 1: National Political Organizing)

6. Why is Louis O’Soup considered such a key figure in terms of the growth of political organizations?  (see Lecture 1: Saskatchewan Political Activism)

8. What was the Hawthorn Report, what was its purpose, and who was responsible for its development?  (see Lecture 2: The Hawthorn Report 1966-67)

9. What was the White Paper, what was its purpose, and who was responsible for its development?  (see Lecture 2: The White Paper: 1969)

11. Identify any similarities and differences that you can find between the Hawthorn Report and White Paper.

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Revision Questions

Module seven
First nation were recovering from the harsh policies from the 19th century such as restriction of movement and gatherings that would have allowed large gatherings.
The government made efforts to prevent organization by demeaning chiefs
They did not have funds to fund organization
They lived long distance apart making it a problem to cover
Internal factions from different groups proliferation
The Royal Commission of 1912 was formed to deal with the land issues, but in the end reserves that were added were of less value and therefore the commission failed.
The 1927 joint commission was established to further address land issues for the B.C Indians, but it did not help with the claims on the land and the First Nation people lost their ability to the claim after the amendment of the Indian act, limiting funds for appeals.
The League Of Indians Of Western Canada and The Indian Association Of Alberta are the provincial organizations that led to the formation of the FSIN
The Inuit Tapirisat of Canada represents the Inuit people, the Metis National council represents the Metis, the Assembly of First Nations represents the First Nations people and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples represents the First Nations and the Metis.
Louis O’Soup was important as he lobbied for treaty rights as well as economic and social improvements.
The Hawthorn report documented the lives of the First Nation’s people, done by Dr. Harry Hawthorn from University of British Colombia under the instructions of the Prime Minister Lester Pearson.
The white paper referred to the new government policy on the Indians and it encouraged the Indian people to fully participate in Canadian society. It was developed under the authority of the prime minister Trudeau
The two papers both sought to establish the basic aspects of the First Nation people, and were both done under the authority of the prime minister’s office. However, the white paper was a better representation of the First Nation people than the Hawthorn report.
Module eight
The Supreme Court ruling against Lavell and Bedardcited that the Canadian bill of rights did not prohibit this kind of discrimination and it did not nullify the Indian Act.
The 1981 ruling by the United Nations Human Rights Commission was based on the fact that the denial of the rights to her community not reasonable or justifiable under article 27 of the covenant.
The First Nation leaders believed that the amendment of the Indian Act would lead to confrontation between the new members and the old members. They also cited that the amendment would abolish the relationship formed between the leadership and the federal government in light of status recognition of the Aboriginal people.
The Edmonton consensus was an agreement between the Native Women’s Association of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations members to abolish all discriminative clauses and reinstate all the Indians who had lost their status or not registered.
Bill C-31 was an amendment of the Indian act which removed all the sexual discrimination towards women and provided band control of membership.
Section six cut off the second generation from status, children from mixed marriages could pass their status to their children if they also get into mixed marriages based on social constructs and women were still discriminated based on sex.
It was considered a charter challenge since Section 15 of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms gives all person equal rights without discrimination based on sex religion among others.
Among the older aboriginal people, the women with high school diploma were 65% compared to 86% of men, while women with high school diplomas were 43% while men were at 60%.
The gap between aboriginal women with income and non-aboriginal women was 22%
The income gap with respect to low income cut off measures relative to aboriginal women 51% compared to 21% among the non-aboriginal women.
Aboriginal women experience domestic violence at the rate of 25% compared to 8% among the non-aboriginal women.
Gendered racism is oppression that aboriginal women experience as aboriginal people and as women. The Indian Act affected the first nation people as a whole, while it also affected women through discriminating them against voting or running for administrative positions.
Module nine
The federal government changed its stand after pressure mounted from the Supreme Court to recognize Aboriginal people’s rights
Claims on the rights of the Aboriginal on land ownership
Defeat of the white paper
2. The Aboriginal rights are inherent and collective rights that are related to the fact that they originally occupied the land.
3. The case parties were the St. Catherine’s Milling Company, the province of Ontario the province of Manitoba, the Crown lands and the Federal government and the ruling was made in 1889. The ruling was that, the federal government had not taken land without consulting the First Nation people and thus the ruling deemed the First Nation people as uncivilized.
4. the case was between the Nisga’a from the Nass Valley region and the British Columbia pro...
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