Potential Solutions to Areas with Limited Mental Health Services
Due to lack of mental health services in some areas, individuals with mental health issues may not receive needed services. Some of these individuals may end up committing crime and end up incarcerated. Several research studies have shown that mentally individuals who are incarcerated experience higher rates of victimization and their mental health issues may worsen.
What are some potential solutions for areas that have limited mental health services?
The Mentally Ill in Prison
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The Mentally Ill in Prison
Limited mental health services in some areas of modern society have been a major issue in creating improved overall health of mental health patients and consequently reduced rates of crime. Effective potential solutions to areas with limited mental health services sensitize the public on the reality of mental health, establish mental health facilities, and engage a collaborative approach to addressing mental health issues (Boardman et al., 2022). These potential solutions create a well-tracked environment on how to reduce mental health issues in society.
Sensitizing the public on the reality of mental health helps in increasing awareness among the public that mental health issues exist and are normal. In most areas with limited mental health facilities, society is detached from the truth about mental health. Sensitizing the public helps in creating an illustrative environment on the progress of addressing mental