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Mid term

Essay Instructions:
Mid-Term Exam 988: 101: Introduction to Gender, Race, Sexuality The mid-term test is split into three sections. Make sure to carefully read instructions on each section BEFORE preparing responses. You will be required to upload ONE docx or PDF format file for the entire exam. Please indicate with numbers and sections of questions you are answering. Any quotations taken directly from, as well as any paraphrasing of, course material must be cited. The mid-term exam is worth 20% of your grade and the maximum possible score is 50 points. You must complete and upload your exam by 9PM on Tuesday January 2 2024. Good luck! Section One: Definitions (4 x 5 = 20 points) Define and explain the significance of FOUR of the following terms. Make sure to draw on examples from lecture and readings in your response. Each response should be about 50 - 100 words. 1. critical generosity 2. masculinity as homophobia 3. gender 4. the lived body 5. intersectionality Section Two: Application (10 points) Answer the following question, providing an explanation of the term and illustrating it with an original example of your choosing. Your response should run about 100 words. 1. Explain the Bechdel Test (what is it, how was it developed, and what was its significance) and illustrate it by applying it to a movie that is NOT discussed in the readings. Section Three: Short Essay (20 points) Choose ONE of the following questions. Your short essay should have a clear argument that responds to the question and should use evidence from the suggested sources to defend it. Your short essay should run about 250-300 words. 1. What are the limitations of Laura Mulvey’s theory of the gaze in film? First describe her theory and then examine its limitations with reference to hooks' concept of the oppositional gaze. Incorporate an original example from film, television, or music videos to illustrate your points. 2. How are masculinity and femininity represented in popular culture? How do these representations affirm and/or challenge racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, etc? To illustrate your points reference and discuss at least two readings and incorporate at least one original example from film, television, or music videos.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mid-Term Exam Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Mid-Term Exam Section One Critical generosity. It entails approaching ideas with empathy and openness to understand the different perspectives the author presents. Dolan (2011) indicates that critical generosity entails talking into account the deeper knowledge of the work under consideration. One has to consider the context, resources, history, goals and the players involved in a work. Masculinity as homophobia. The concept suggests that societal expectations of masculinity often cause homophobia. Men do not want to be viewed as less masculine if they embrace traits associated with homosexuality. According to Boyd (2015), homophobia is a means of controlling male behavior. Gender: Gender encompasses the roles and expectations of society attributes to individuals based on their perceived sex. It is a social construct that exceeds biological differences. For instance, persistent reinforcement of traditional gender binaries creates the perception that women are less physically aggressive than males (Weaving, 2014). Intersectionality: The concepts demonstrates that people may face multiple and interconnected forms of oppression based on intersecting social identities. It emphasizes the need to consider overlapping factors in understanding discrimination. Section Two The Bechdel Test is a simple, yet powerful tool that identifies gender representation in works of fiction, primarily films. For a film to pass the test, it must meet the following three criteria. Firstly, it must have at least two named women. Secondly, the women must have conversation with one another. Thirdly, the conversation must be about something beyond a man. The test is significant in sparking conversation regarding gender representation in media. It serves as a startin...
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