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Summary Assignment Chapter 4: A Position Of Leadership

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please summarize the chapter 1 page for each chapter . use attached documents thank you !!

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Chapter 4
Every person involved in social work will find themselves in a position of leadership at least once while serving. The position may not be formal and can only be an instance where one is expected to issue direction to a group of people or even have people to conduct themselves in a particular manner. In either of the above instances, one will be required to showcase their leadership skills and be heard. In this chapter, the author mainly focused on leadership while delving deeper on how social workers need to master certain leadership skills if they are to have any impact on an organization or community. From the chapter, leadership does not necessarily entail giving orders and being the boss. Conversely, it entails some hidden abilities that can help an individual to effect change around them. Some of the examples of leadership skills provided include ability to inspire, assertiveness, written and oral communication skills, and ability to lead by example. Additionally, the author expounded on networking and their benefits in organizations and communities. Networks can indeed be used as assets to propagate change, but it is always important to ensure a working environment among the members is ensured.
Aside from the above, the author also focused on the use of teamwork and collaboration for purposes of furthering the main objectives of change in an organization or community. Two will always be better than one and tapping onto this opportunity can indeed be a great addition to an agency. However, while seeking for the best and least difficult methods or ways of achieving an agency’s objectives, the author warns that it is important to exercise professionalism. People are bound to cross each other’s paths the wrong way, and it is always upon the leader to lead by example. Conflict management is not an option for a leader but a mandatory requirement. Every leader must come to terms with the above fact and lead with decorum while exercising fairness when resolving conflicts. Finally, the author emphasizes the aspect of learning from every experience of conflict within the group. It is quite a task, but for a group to work effectively together, it must learn not to let problems get the better of them.
Chapter 6
Change is often not welcomed, and it is always advisable to have the right information before instigating or showing a desire for change. Administrators and people at the top of an organization’s structure are often the ones involved with issues of change especially if policies are involved. However, in this chapter, the author delves onto the kind of change that emanates from people without rank. In most organizations, decision-making is often reserved for the directors and managers while t...
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