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Policy Brief: Bangladesh being Prone to Flooding

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will write a policy brief on a topic of your choosing, relevant to environment and development in the Global South. (please check the file named Country Status Report which includes my topic).

Please check the assignment itself (linked above) for detailed instructions - there are some specific formatting requirements that you will need to follow. The length should be between 1200 and 2000 words (2-4 pages in length, single-spaced). The upper word and page limits are firm, but the most important thing is for it to fit into two sides of two pages, no more, without being too small to read. You will need to carry out some scholarly research for this assignment, so please be sure to use reliable sources, cite all of your sources, and reference them properly using APA-style citations and referencing.

I am supplying you with a template in Word format download. Please feel free to use it - or not, as you like. Don't worry, we will not think that you're "not creative" or anything like that. I do think it's a good idea to look at examples of policy briefs, including this template, to get some ideas about graphical layout. I do not want you to waste a lot of time trying to format things in Word or another program (you could use PowerPoint, for example) - I'm more interested in having you spend time on the content and writing of the brief.

You are also asked to specify whether you are submitting an advocacy brief or an objective brief.

Assignment Documents:

Here are some additional resources, where you can read more about what a policy brief is, how they are formatted, what they aim to do, etc. Here are the two sources that are specifically referenced in the assignment:

IDRC (n.d.), How To Write a Policy Brief, in “Toolkit for Researchers,” International Development Research Centre, https://www(dot)idrc(dot)ca/en/funding/resources-idrc-grantees (Links to an external site.) (this link goes to the "Research Tools" section of IDRC's website; scroll down to "How To Write a Policy Brief"

UNFAO (2011) Preparing Policy Briefs, Lesson 4.1 in “Food Security Communications Toolkit,” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations http://www(dot)fao(dot)org/docrep/014/i2195e/i2195e00.htm (Links to an external site.) (and click on "Lesson 4: Writing Effective Reports")

Here are two examples of policy briefs - there are many, many more examples (some good, some not-as-good) that you can look at online. The two attached here touch on similar topics - the impacts of the economic crisis of 2008 on rice prices:

Sothearith, T. and S. Sovannarith (2009) Impact of Hiked Prices of Food and Basic Commodities on Poverty in Cambodia: Empirical Evidences from Five CBMS Villages. downloadPolicy Research Brief No. 48, Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network.

UNFAO (2009) The 2007-08 Rice Price Crisis: How policies drove up prices and how they can help stabilise the market. downloadEconomic and Social Perspectives, Policy Brief No. 13, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Both of these policy briefs fit nicely into a two-page format; the first is >1700 words, and the second is >1200 words. Try to figure out whether you think these two examples are "advocacy" briefs, or "objective" briefs.

Marking Rubric:

Please refer to the assignment for detailed requirements.

Length & Required Items: out of 4 marks

Topic: out of 5 marks

Content & Organization: out of 20 marks

Writing: out of 10 marks

Layout & Graphical Design: out of 10 marks

Sources: out of 5 marks

Overall Quality: out of 5 marks

Advocacy vs Objective Brief (tell us which one you're doing): out of 1 mark

TOTAL = 60 marks

*please make sure to follow the rubric in the file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Brief of Bangladesh Status Report
Student's Name or Students' Names
Department Affiliation, University Affiliation
Course Number: Course Name
Instructor's Name
Assignment Due Date
Policy Brief of Bangladesh Status Report
Executive Summary
Under-developing countries continue to be the main target area for poverty cases with evidenced issues of environmental pollution. Africa is an important country supplying labour to Asia and India; however, many of the recorded poor conditions remain evident in India, with a specific case for Bangladesh. A significant population living in India is under threat of environmental pollution given the weak government policies that aim to straighten the economy through significant developments of underpaid projects. Bangladeshi government fails to observe the considerable measure of regulating the environmental policies that eventually affect the local community already experiencing a population explosion. In trying to provide a practical approach to the problem, the Indian government must support research work that can review its many policies, especially targeting the local populations.
Policy briefs are instrumental in highlighting critical issues in society through detailed research in a manner that informs stakeholders about the scale of the problem or offers recommended solutions for addressing the challenges associated with a specific problem. Moreover, it is has a distinct focus on the communication of a practical implication of research to a particular audience. However, there are two brief policy types: advocacy brief (argues for a specific course of action) and objective brief (offers balanced information on numerous policy options). In such light of understanding, this paper tends to be an objective policy. This paper's primary connotation is to critically write a policy brief about how Bangladesh is prone to flood as a developing world.
Issue summary
327660569341000Bangladesh tends to be located in southern Asia that is characterized by several waterways. Therefore, waterways tend to be the common means of navigation through the boat. Moreover, it is located at the border of the Indian state of West Bengal to the west and Assam to the north. Therefore, it is prone to flooding due to its situated on rivers and several distributaries flowing into Bengal Bay. Notably, it is among the poorest and densely populated countries globally (Patel & Lotia. et al., 2020). Due to the several waterways, flooding tends to be a common natural phenomenon in the country such that it tends to occur every year. The government tends to have severe flooding. For instance, in 1998, the country experience about seventy-five percent impact of floods.
Figure 1: An illustration observation of the flooding condition in Bangladeshi (2020)
Bangladesh tends to experience several challenges. For example, in 2004, the floods persisted from July to September, which covered about fifty percent of the country at its peak. Moreover, about six hundred people died and left thirty million people homeless. The whole country got affected such that the flood destroyed about 40 percent of the capital. The mortality rate rose to seven hundred and fifty. The agricultural sector got affected such that the country experienced a reduction in the quantity and quality of rice. In such light of understanding, floods tend to threaten human health and wellbeing than most developed countries. Several death cases that tend to be reported in Bangladesh are related to flood events caused by drowning, electrocution, or post-trauma (Patel & Lotia. et al., 2020). Flooding tends to have severe impacts on urban and rural areas, thus, affecting a large p...
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