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Comparison of Theory and Practice

Essay Instructions:

The third essay is intended to again give you an opportunity to compare and contrast theory with practice. It should focus on your focal human service agency.

Discuss in detail:

the nature of the client/agency relationship and the background competencies necessary for effective delivery of services (use information from the course texts then compare with observations of how your agency functions);

an analysis of the impact of the agency's delivery of human services on the community and the community's impact on the agency's delivery of human services (use information from the course texts, then compare with observations of how your agency functions).

The essay must be 5 pages in length and contain appropriate citations and references to the course texts.


Halley (1998) Delivering Human Services

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Services Practice Benefits
Institutional Affiliation
Theoretical Comparison in Human Services Practice
Human service delivery entails meeting human needs by focusing on remediation and prevention of problems and staying committed to improving people's general quality of life in society. Human service delivery promotes the improvement of quality of life by focusing not only on the direct services but on the accountability, coordination, and accessibility among service delivery workers. Many community individuals face hardships and challenges, and they require dire help (Woodside and McClam, 2016). Human service delivery agencies aim to provide this help through a network of organizations, whether public or private. The kind of help these agencies offer varies from person to person and the needs of one community might be different from the needs of another community. Human service delivery agencies strive to assist mentally incapacitated people, the physically disabled, people struggling with addictions, the elderly, the homeless, the unemployed, low-income earners, children, and youths, among other less fortunate groups of people.
Human service delivery workers often assist clients, and members of the community become self-sufficient by helping them learn new skills that will help them cope with their problems or by suggesting resources that will help them be able to take care of themselves and be able to effectively overcome challenges or difficulties that they may be facing (Monette, Sullivan and Dejong, 2013). Although agencies may vary depending on the nature of help they provide to the community, workers' roles in these agencies almost remain the same. Most often, they assess and evaluate their clients' needs, come up with a treatment plan, and focus on implementing the plan. Throughout this who process, they play a significant role in providing the clients with emotional support.
Many human service delivery agencies impact communities in numerous positive ways. They provide the communities with essential institutions that help improve the community's general lifestyle. Many agencies build schools, shelters for the homeless, hospitals, and places of worship. They also provide the community with practical assistance such as creating recreational services like games, art, craft facilities, and swimming pools (Monette, Sullivan and Dejong, 2013). All these services being offered assistance in making members of communities conducive and comfortable to live. Human service delivery agencies also coordinate and locate services offered by other agencies from governmental, non-profit, and for-profit organizations. They help meet clients' needs by research and approving assistance (Woodside and McClam, 2016). For example, an agency may help a client living in a neighborhood that is unsafe by locating and helping a client quality for apartments that cost less but are in safer places within the community.
Clients often are faced with many challenges and problems, and it is the duty of human service delivery workers to provide emotional support together with any other form of assistance. The workers strive to formulate good working conditions and relationships that will ensure that their clients feel comfortable while opening up about their problems and asking for help (Helley et al., 1998). These emotional support methods include empathy, listening, and joining in their celebration, depending on the clients' experiences. By offering this type of support to their clients, they ensure that they are in a stable state of mind, and they can be able to go back to their daily routines and work to make the community a better place than it was previously. This emotional support also reduces incidences of acquiring diseases caused by stress, such as cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses, diabetes, obesity, and depression. It also assists in reducing rates of suicides in the community (Healy, 2014). By doing this, the community channels fund towards other beneficial initiatives and cut costs of treatment.
By getting community members to work together with those in need, human service delivery agencies facilitate unity and harmony, which are required in promoting a sense of family and togetherness. Bringing community members together fosters an environment of mutual respect and responsibility (Netting et al., 2016). These agencies also encourage community members to apply spiritual and religious practices and beliefs, which helps to join individuals in a collective institution that results in unity, harmony, and community wholeness. Human service delivery agencies also use family and community networks to build support systems for individuals who need help. This enables the individual to gain from collecti...
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