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Are there any fallacies being used? If so, which ones?

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Details

Part 1:

Please find an argument to analyze. Be creative! Some suggestions are to use a commercial, letter to the editor (or op/ed piece). Analyze the argument you choose.

What is the main purpose of the argument?

Is it inductive? Deductive?

Are there any fallacies being used? If so, which ones?

Part 2:

Does the argument align with a philosophical theory or theorist? Choose one philosophical theory or theorist and explain – from that perspective – what you would change to make the argument better. Think about the steps that you could use to improve the argument. For example, if you pick Socrates as a theorist think of how Socrates would reflect upon and engage the argument for change.

Look for common fallacies like:

Circular thinking – typically restating the premise in the conclusion and creating a “circular” argument

Appeals to authority – generally this fallacy considers an argument that we should listen to based on some “false” or “non” authority. Is this happening in your argument example?

False cause – in this fallacy the writer or speaker attributes a “false” cause to some effect or result (often you will see superstitious thinking used here).

Sweeping generalizations – this fallacy occurs when an individual makes generalizations (usually stereotypical thinking)

Equivocation – in this fallacy a person confuses two senses of the meaning of a word (like a free animal- is it free because it doesn’t cost anything or is it free because it is not in a “cage”?)

Red herring – very common in political settings. This fallacy is a distraction (think of a big red fish – pretty distracting, right?)

Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list them in APA format on your Reference page. Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include a Title and Reference page, should be double-spaced, and include a running head and page numbers.

Grading Criteria

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points

Part 1

Selection of argument Identifies the argument selected for analysis, including the source and the type of media: print, television, Internet video, etc.

States why this piece is of interest. /10 pts.

Analysis Describes the main purpose of the argument.

Explains whether the argument’s reasoning is inductive or deductive. Or, explain why neither inductive nor deductive reasoning is present. /15 pts.

Identify fallacies Explains the fallacies that are present in the argument, referring to one or more credible sources. /20 pts.

Part 2

Philosophical theory Provides an overview of one philosophical theory or theorist to use as a point of view for suggesting improvements to the argument.

Uses one or more credible sources in applying theory to the selected argument. /20 pts.

Application of philosophical theory to the selected argument Discusses how the theorist would reflect upon the argument and then engage for change to the selected argument. /15 pts.

Improving the argument Delineates improvements to the selected argument, from the perspective of the philosophical theory or theorist.

Addresses each of the identified fallacies. /40 pts.

Format Provides a 4-6 page essay that is double-spaced, and includes a title page, reference page, running head, and page numbers. /10 pts.

Credibility Credible information sources (a minimum of two) utilized are clearly identified, properly cited, and referenced using APA Style. /10 pts.

Grammar & Mechanics Sentences are clear, well-articulated, and free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. /10 pts.

Total /150 pts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inductive Reasoning
Name of Student
Institution Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor's Name
Inductive Reasoning
Part 1
One of the most polarizing years has been the year 2020. Many incidents were the highlights of the year. However, none was more polarizing than the 2020 U.S presidential elections pitting former president Donald Trump and the current president Joe Biden. There was a lack of sportsmanship from the Trump administration. The article provided here in itself is an argument to highlight the statement mentioned above. The author of this article was written just before the first presidential debate late last year. Former president trump made wild and baseless accusations against his opponent Joe Biden including an allegation in which he stated that his opponent used performance-enhancing drugs (Guardian Staff, 2020). The primary purpose of this argument was to discredit his opponent to gain some traction in the polls. Trump also used the article to deflect some difficult questions about his finances and other issues.
The type of argument used here is inductive. Inductive arguments use vast generalizations from precise observations. The data available is used to conclude. For this type of discussion, the inference moves from the specific to the general. Statements are made, patterns are ascertained, a general theory is floated, and an explanation is offered (Hayes, & Heit, 2018). An example in the article to indicate inductive argument is when Trump suggests that Joe Biden was more decisive in some debates because he used performance-enhancing drugs. The data used to make this inference has been sourced from people voicing their opinions on the internet. This conclusion does not follow logically from the statements provided. Inductive arguments provide a basis to prove such statements are false.
Various fallacies are being used in the argument. One of them is the ad hominem fallacy. The first thought that occurs to people when they hear the word "argument" is personal attacks followed by shouting matches (Robert & Brisson, 2016). Here, instead of using sound logic, language to attack an individual is employed, not relevant to the matter's truth. An individual's view is rejected based on issues or arguments irrelevant to the subject at hand. In the article, Trump accuses Biden of performing well in debates because he is on drug substances. It is a personal attack that indicates that Trump does not like Biden. There is no evidence given to suggest that Mr. Biden has been using drugs. Ad hominem is usually a common fallacy in politics whereby one or both individuals try to smear each other's image and names based on entirely unfounded accusations.
The second fallacy that is evident here is the strawman argument. This fallacy is named after the scarecrow, which is harmless and lifeless. An opponent's argument is debunked because it is made of straw. It comprises of attacking a position that the other individual does not hold (Robert & Brisson, 2016). The person attacks the opponent on a place that he or she never intends to defend. It is a very compelling argument strategy to put one in a stronger position. It discredits the views of opponents and demonizes them. If done correctly, it can be used to deceive others. However, there are chances that the perpetrator may end up looking foolhardy and con...
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