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Personality Disorders Paper: Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

paper describing the theories related to personality disorders. Include the following:

Describe the general symptoms of three types of personality disorders.

Explain the theories behind the etiology of these personality disorders.

Determine the relationship between these personality disorders and criminal behavior.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Personality Disorders Paper
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Personality Disorders Paper
Every single individual has a unique personality demonstrated in how they feel, think and behave. The unique essences result from an individual's inherited characteristics, experience, and environments such as life situations and culture. Although every individual is unique, psychologists, philosophers, and other social scholars have determined personality traits that deviate from conventional standards. These personality disorders result from mental conditions making an individual show unhealthy and rigid behaviors, functions, and thinking patterns. Several personality disorders have been identified with unique symptoms and characteristics with theories explaining the etiology behind them. An analysis of personality disorders using social approaches shows the relationship between personality disorders and criminal behaviors.
Paranoid Personality Disorders
Paranoid Personality Disorders (PPD) is a medical illness that makes an individual demonstrate rigid patterns of distrust and suspicion towards other people. The unfounded skepticism affects every aspect of their life as it becomes difficult to create good relationships at home, school, or even at work. Individuals with PPD often don’t believe their behavior is abnormal and are mostly unconscious of their unwarranted mistrust display. The symptoms of this disorder include a strong belief that people have a hidden motive to harm them, trouble in relaxing, detached and socially isolated, quickly become offended and angry, hypersensitive to criticism, doubting the loyalty of others, and risk in identifying and resolving their problems (Joseph, 2019). Identifying these disorders is difficult except for well-trained and experienced psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental healthcare professionals.
The specific cause of the illness is not known. However, PPD is associated with a combination of environmental and biological factors. Research shows that the condition is prevalent among individuals whose family histories have delusional and schizophrenia cases. Also, exposure to trauma, especially during childhood, is a major causal factor for paranoid personality disorder. Thus, it can result from inherited biological traits or past experiences due to an individual’s interaction with the environment.
Schizoid personality disorder (SPD)
Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) makes individuals avoid interactions and any social activities or involvement. Individuals suffering from this disorder are generally loners and always dismissive of others. Such individuals are likely to appear less concerned about what is going around them as they lack the skill and don't desire to form any personal relationships. Other symptoms of Schizoid personality disorder include a preference to stay alone and handle any activities alone. Lack of reaction to critical remarks or praise from others may lack goals or motivation, indifferent, emotionally cold and humorle...
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