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Assignment #3a. OP-ED Essay. Social Sciences Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Assignment #3a: Op-Ed

An op-ed is a brief, persuasive essay targeting a general public audience, typically published in a newspaper (or online news outlet like Vox.com). For this assignment, please follow the format and language guidelines described in the Shipley reading, “And Now A Word from Op-Ed,” which is listed in the course readings. The submitted essay should be no longer than 750 words. If a student wishes to write an op-ed for submission to a specific major news outlet, such as The Denver Post, the submission guidelines for that outlet can be followed, but the assignment must indicate the targeted outlet clearly so that the instructor knows which guidelines are being followed. Regardless of the targeted outlet, the essay must be at least 650 words to receive full credit for the assignment. While actual submission to a newspaper or online outlet is encouraged, it is not required for the assignment.

The op-ed should present a clear and logical argument for or against the policy proposal under consideration (preferably the proposal you analyzed for Assignment 2) (Proposition 115: Prohibit Abortions after 22 weeks) .

Provide support for your position using credible, persuasive evidence. You may address the proposal from any number of perspectives; your argument might focus on potential implications of the policy for a particular population, or could focus on one element of the “Triple Aim” of access, cost, and quality. In order to craft a compelling argument in the short space provided, you should focus on just one aspect of the policy—i.e., opioid addiction treatment is a sufficiently narrow topic, while addressing all mental health & behavioral health coverage might be too broad. Given the timing of the assignment, op-eds can be focused on persuading voters to vote a certain way, or could be tailored to inspire action once the election results are finalized.

APA-style is not expected for this assignment, but the regular rules of grammar and punctuation do apply. Furthermore, if you are drawing empirical findings or key ideas from other sources, you must refer to the source in the text of the op-ed, either by referring to it with words or by hyperlinking to the source. Footnotes, for instance, are not used in op-eds.

Although newspapers do not accept reference lists, for the purposes of the class assignment, you should submit a separate reference list (not included in the word count) that includes a reference for your identified policy and any other sources used. Remember, the sources should be clear within the text of the op-ed, too. (We’ll discuss this more in class.)

Grading criteria for op-ed:

• Op-Ed clearly explains the policy of interest, the population of interest, and why the issue is urgent for society

• Op-Ed clearly states a position, which is supported by logical arguments that lead to a persuasive conclusion

• Argument is well supported with relevant and current evidence, theory, and/or logic

• Composition, grammar, and submission specifications* described in Shipley Op-Ed are followed (*submission requirements for the Denver Post or another local newspaper may be followed, but the target publication must be identified).


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OP-ED Essay
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OP-ED Essay
Proposition 115: Prohibit Abortions after 22 weeks is a one-size-fits-all approach that locking out the uncommon pregnancy complications such as terminal fetal diagnosis. Cleveland (2020) posits that giving politicians and legislatures the authority to make such crucial medical decisions is much worse than abortion. Women and physicians are at a better place than everybody else to know what ought to be done in a given situation. While this proposition bans all abortions after twenty-two weeks unless it threatens a woman's life, it undoubtedly does injustice to rape, incest, or mentally ill cases. Failure to consider the woman's psychological and emotional conditions yet claim to save the pregnant woman's life is unreasonable.
This proposition targeting pregnant women who abort after 22 weeks of gestation age of the fetus would have a grievous impact not only on women but also on society. A monetary fine or the medical license suspension for those who conduct the abortion outside these terms is an inhumane punishment. As an opponent of the proposition, it is not appropriate to let politics dictate what should happen to patients and their physicians as politicians have no proficiency in these areas. Medical health decisions should be left to those who relate to them (Cleveland, 2020). Importantly, pregnancy should be a matter of one's choice, hence protecting its privacy and autonomy. Since pregnancies are distinctively peculiar from each other, there is no need for stringent legislation. Therefore, given pregnant women their independence and privacy to make appropriate decisions.
Consequently, the government's meddling in this matter would disrupt the doctor-patient relationship not only in this field but throughout the healthcare system. There is no way a woman forced to carry their pregnancy to term despite experiencing rape or having a fatal fetal diagnosis would believe their physician anymore. Physicians need to work for their patients' best interests, and should they foresee any risks to the pregnant woman's life, they should stop it. On its own, the government would not know the various conditi...
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