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International Security: Why Is The Middle East at The Center of International Security?

Essay Instructions:

The major essay requires students to identify a topic of interest within the four modules(International Security, International Organisations, International Political Economy, International Law) covered in the course, and write their own essay question.

The word limit for this task is 2,000 words. You will need to complete the following steps.

First, you need to clarify the purpose and topic of your paper.

The overall aim is for you to demonstrate that you can grasp and formulate an argument in relation to some of the key conceptual ideas and political debates associated with contemporary issues in IR. Show that you can use/address some of the ideas from the key paradigms in IR and critically apply them to understand an issue of your choice.

Second, we want students to formulate their own question. You need to try to make your research question as evaluative as possible: don’t just pick something that will lead a narrative or description of the topic – so, not a ‘what’ or ‘when’ question; rather, have a ‘why’ or ‘to what extent’ question. Pick something that will foster critical evaluation if the issue, the debates around the issue, different conceptual perspectives etc – in other words, pick something where you can to take a position and defend it.

Pick a question that will allow you to critically interrogate how one or more of the paradigms in IR are applicable to the topic. This doesn’t mean necessarily adopt a realist or liberal position, for instance (though you obviously can), but show how such paradigms may or may not be useful to actually understanding the issue by critically interrogating some of the positions adopted by other authors – why/not useful? Assumptions? In other words, in your essays show that you can engage in some of the key debates in IR about their chosen issue and take a position in relation to them.

You should consult with a teaching assistant on your choice of question.

Thirdly, draw on material from a variety of mediums, with an emphasis on scholarly sources.

Fourthly, show that you can construct a coherent and cogent argument over a sustained piece of writing. So, we'd like to see a formal essay format (intro, body, conclusion) replete with correct in-text referencing and bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Security: Why Is The Middle East at The Center of International Security?
The 2011 Arab uprisings resulted in popular demands for social justice, greater political participation, and better governance. When governments failed to satisfy these demands, the international stage was set for major security issues. In Yemen, an autocratic government collapsed but so did subsequent efforts to create a new regime. Similarly, in Syria, civil war broke out when the ruling party subjected its citizens to extreme brutality. Washington, Moscow, London, and other international players were drawn into the war when their interests came under threat. To date, the results have been a web of overlapping responses to various sets of conflicts involving numerous actors. The underlying question is why is a hot and arid region that makes up only 3.3% of the world’s population at the center of international security? Using the geographical location of the Middle East, the region’s political framework, and the presence of non-state armed groups, this paper examines why the Middle East is at the core of international security.
Geographical location
Although other regions are renowned for magnificent things, the Middle East is located in a strategic and unique geographical position. Strategically, the Middle East is a bridge that connects Europe, Asia, and Africa. Importantly, the Middle East is the original site of some of the world's earliest civilizations and the birthplace of three religions; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. As a result, the occurrence of any intra-state or inter-state conflict in the Middle East has the potential to destabilize the whole region, upset the balance of power of foreign actors in the region, and impact global stability (Barzegar, 2019).
In recent years, the strategic significance of the geographical location of the Middle East has become more important due to the presence of enormous deposits of oil. The Middle East produces 65% of the oil used globally and is also the leading net exporter of oil. Saudi Arabia leads the region in oil production and exportation at an average of 42% followed by Iran at 19% (Odel, 2014). On the other hand, despite the United States being less dependent on Middle East oil, the US Energy Information Administration indicates that the US imported 328.7 million barrels from Saudi Arabia in 2018.
Any conflicts arising in the Middle East has a serious impact on the global crude oil prices, which in turn has impacts on the overall prices of goods. Such a strong impact on the global economy is what has always pushed the region to the global centrestage. Interestingly, whenever there is a confrontation between Middle East countries, they resort to bombing each other’s oil infrastructure. For instance, in 2019, the Houthis, an Iranian rebel group, attacked Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves, which significantly increased oil prices around the world. Therefore, the Middle East is at the core of world affairs; a culturally, politically, and economically sensitive area that influences international security. 
 Weak regional and political frameworks
When it comes to geopolitics, there has always been a special place for the idle East. The region has always played a crucial role in global peace, or lack of it thereof. It is the heart of the differences in ideology between not only two countries but schools of thought as well. It is the microcosm of what exactly makes global politics to tick. The situation of peace or subsequent turmoil in this region usually sets the tone when it comes to how the rest of the world responds. It particularly pits the East against the West, Islam against Christianity. To a bigger picture though, it is about the global economic balance due to the resources.
Despite the presence of a few misunderstandings, North America, Europe, Africa, and South America have concrete regional frameworks that support relationships between individual states. This is due to the underlying willingness by member countries to cooperate and work jointly with each other in the same setup for a greater benefit for all. This mutual understanding and willingness is what has ensured that there is relatively a unified approach to issues affecting the member countries and their respective regions. In contrast, regional mechanisms in the Middle East are either underdeveloped, function below par or are simply non-existent.
The regional bloc in the Middle East seems to be the beginning of the problem for failing in a number of issues. For instance, the Arab League, which excludes important regional actors such as Israel and Iran, is deeply polarized to resolve any conflict. The fact that it already has members who haven’t joined it means that it is already partisan and noninclusive. Hamid (2011) notes that the region has been severely crippled due to internal rivalries even amongst themselves. They cannot sit down and work on how to strengthen their regions in terms of the economy and security. Much of their efforts is usually geared towards survival and extension of their leadership. Others even form divisions within their own bloc by forming alliances with member countries to fight against another member country. Such is the case with Egypt, which opted to form an alliance with Syria in order to fight Israel (Pressman, 2008).Even the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which is broadly inclusive, is internally divided. This leaves the region volatile and somehow, up for grabs by anyone with political and military might.
External intervention is also hard to come by from the world’s other powers, unless there is something in for them. China, which is among the most stable countries in Asia, is uninterested in engaging in any talks regarding regional stability. Interestingly, any involvement of a foreign actor such as the United States is perceived as an infringement of Islamic sovereignty. According to Vakalova (2017), the US is only present in the Middle East to ensure Americans have access to gulf oil. However, even Russia that is slightly liked by some countries in the region has focused its efforts on shoring up one side against the other rather than seeking genuine compromise.
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