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Social Work - Working with small groups. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Social Work - Working with small groups

Please help me to answer QUESTION THREE


Question 3
(a) Employ your knowledge in the FOUR (4) dimensions of group dynamics to discuss
what you would look out for, in assessing the health of any type of a small treatment
or task group in its middle stage. (20 marks)
(b) Describe FOUR (4) practical methods and assessment tools that you could use to
conduct your analysis of the group’s health. Illustrate your points using concrete
examples where applicable. (10 marks)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Work: Question 3
Institutional Affiliation:
Social Work: Question 3
The health of any group portrays the results it is likely to garner from their work. Groups have values and dimensions that they employ to realize their results. Some of these include communication, cohesion, social integration, and culture. Proper communication is key between individuals, as it covers all the other dimensions of the group. Group members have to show their ability to speak to one another, use a universally accepted language, and improve interaction patterns. Proper communication improves the cohesion between the group members and makes the working of such a group easier. Cohesion advances the attraction of different group members. If a group misses the direction towards attaining its goals, the chances of building and maintaining the cohesion of the group become a gruesome task. It is burdensome to build cohesion if the members do not accept the diversity in culture.
Group members have to emulate others' various cultures, be comfortable with them, and improve their unity. Despite these different backgrounds, I should notice that the group is united and can move on with their handling. A tack in the middle of its completion should have a proper goal and objective, performance indices to show the achievements, and the formulated solutions to solve any differences. A successful group carries out their tasks to the end if they develop specific cultures to steer them. The culture includes an agreement to work together despite their different origins. It brings out the memoran...
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