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Upholding Sustainable Tourism: Carbon Abatement Strategy

Essay Instructions:

The Editor of “Travel+Leisure” (link is above), one of the world’s largest and most reputable online travel “magazines” has contacted you.  She has heard that you are studying tourism, and she asked you to prepare a blog about sustainable tourism in your favourite city.  (A “blog” is a short “article” … a short essay on a topic.)

Specifically, she has asked you write a blog which requires you to do the following:

  1. Choose one of your favorite tourist cities … a city you have already been to or a city you would like to travel to.  You must choose a city … not a “region”.

  2. Research what the city has been doing to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.

  3. From your research, identify the top 3 actions that the city is taking to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.  (3 marks)

  4. For each of the 3 actions you identify, discuss whether you agree (or disagree) with the action they are taking, and explain why you agree or disagree.  (9 marks)

  5. Discuss in detail one other action you would recommend that the city take to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable and explain why you are making this recommendation.  This must not be an action already discussed in # 3 above.  (5 marks)

  6. Blog Professionalism: 3 marks

The Editor has informed you that she cannot use your blog without proper APA citations since this could result in her company being sued.  She has asked that you include References for your research on a separate page.  You must use APA Citation format (in-text citations with the required quotation marks and citation, etc.).    Since we have discussed citations in detail in class and in the course’s posted content, failure to cite sources will result in the Editor not being able to use your blog and therefore you will receive a mark of “0” for this assignment.

Since the Editor is a very busy person, she has asked you to ensure your blog is no more than 800 words (excluding your attached Reference page).  Blogs over 800 words will have a 2 mark reduction … so think carefully about what you included in your blog.  Your blog should be between 600 and 800 words to ensure you have included sufficient content.  You may include a picture with your blog if you wish, but this is not required and there is no mark impact for including or not including a picture.

Good luck with your blog!

Submit your completed blog in Blackboard via SafeAssign by the due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sustainable Tourism Assignment
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Sustainable Tourism Assignment
Regions across the world have been affected by global warming, which threatens the future of natural resources. This calls for leaders to focus on sustainable management in various sectors, such as tourism. Dubai is one of the world's cities whose leaders have been working their level best to create sustainable tourism. The city has clean beaches, deserts, and luxurious hotels. This makes it one of the most preferred tourist destinations across the world. Dubai has been upholding sustainable tourism by reducing carbon emissions, waste food management, and land reclamation to build luxurious hotels.
The city has a strategy named the carbon abatement strategy. According to the strategy, the city is expected to have reduced the number of carbon emissions by 16% (Hozaim, A. & Akre, 2017). If the strategy turns out to be successful, the city will have the lowest carbon footprint across the world. I agree that this measure is aimed at increasing the number of tourists visiting Dubai in the future. The measure will shape sustainable tourism's future since leaders will focus on maintaining such a level of carbon emissions. An increase in carbon emissions is one of the factors contributing to global warming. Therefore, reducing such emissions is a great step towards the creation of a sustainable future. Clean and clear air is one of the reasons people visit the city. This is unlike other regions in the world whose atmosphere is covered by haze from industries’ smoke emissions. Once an individual has arrived in Dubai, the clear beaches catch their attention. Also, while on the tallest building in the city, Burh Khalifa, an individual can clearly see the whole city. Such is an indication of how effective the city’s regulation of reducing carbon emissions has been.
The hospitality industry contributes to a large percentage of waste food in the environment. Dubai launched the UAE Food Bank to help in managing waste food. I agree with this move because it will help in the creation of a clean environment. Such an environment is a key factor in growing the future of tourism in Dubai. The UAE Food Bank aims at reducing food waste by collaborating with authorities to distribute food to the people in need (Vootla et al., ...
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