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National Football League & Crisis Management Epic Issues

Essay Instructions:

Introducing Your Introduction

National Football League & Crisis Management Epic Issues

The introduction to a research study has a proscribed purpose and functionality that sets it apart from introductions you have probably read in books and popular literature. Although the introduction should engage the reader, it should also highlight particular information about the study and its orientation.

Using the sample outline for an introduction on p. 100 and the annotated sample on pp. 100–102 of your course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, write a 2-page paper on an Introduction that addresses and includes the elements suggested by this week's Learning Resources. For the purposes of this Discussion, you should assume that your Literature Review from Week 3 was exhaustive and that it included substantive breadth and depth of the scholarship with regard to your topic. Consider the following in preparing your Introduction:  National Football League & Crisis Management Epic Issues


Is the opening sentence engaging, and does it encourage readers to continue?


Is a problem or issue identified that justifies this study?


Is the problem framed in a way that is consistent with the research approach?


Do you refer to groups of studies to justify the problem's importance?


Do you cite recent literature (within the past 10 years)?


Are specific deficiencies in past studies identified?


Do you explain how the study will address these deficiencies?


Do you explain why the study is significant for audiences?


Is the Introduction limited to about 2 pages?


Is the Introduction well-written and easy to read?

Course Reading


  • Course Text
  • Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
  • Chapter 5, "The Introduction" (pp. 97–110)
  • Chapter 6, "The Purpose Statement" (pp. 111–127)
  • Chapter 7, "Research Questions and Hypotheses" (pp. 129–143)

    This series of chapters presents the first elements of a research study that are common in both articles and in more extensive research literature. Each element is presented in terms of its component elements and nuanced differences that are determined by the research methods that govern a given study. Best practices and common formats and templates guide you through the preparation of these elements.

Book Excerpt

  • Newman, I., Ridenour, C. S., Newman, C., & DeMarco, G. M. P. (2003). A typology of research purposes and its relationship to mixed methods. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (pp. 167–188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

In this book chapter, the authors examine the research process from inception through its various phases. In addition, they propose a framework for thinking about the role of mixed methods research and the kinds of research questions best addressed through that methodology. This article will provide a context as you examine research methodologies in more detail in the second half of this course.

Optional Resources


  • PowerPoint presentation, "The Introduction," from the Creswell CD and to accompany Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches

  • PowerPoint presentation, "The Purpose Statement," from the Creswell CD and to accompany Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches

Course Text

  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
  • "Writing Style" (pp. 31–40)
  • "Grammar" (pp. 40–61)
  • "Punctuation" (pp. 78–87)
  • "Quotations" (pp. 117–121)
  • "Reference Citations in Text" (pp. 207–214)
  • Chapter 4, "Reference List" (pp. 215–281)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introducing the Introduction: National Football League & Crisis Management Epic Issues
The research problem
According to Creswell (2013), identifying the research problem is critical to structuring an introduction. The research problem captures the reasons that drive a study, by exploring further into the problem to get a better understanding. For instance, the National Football League is renowned for sticking to rules and regulations, but when it comes to crisis management, this is not always the case. In particular, there have been instances when there is a need to give consistent rulings while handling a crisis. As such, there is a need to look into the crisis management issues dogging the National Football League in light of high profile cases off the field involving NFL players.
Studies addressing the problem
Reviewing studies that have addressed a problem is relevant to providing a clearer picture of the research. The major scandals affecting the NFL have mostly occurred in recent years, meaning that there are few studies which focus on crisis mismanagement in the NFL. Some of the previous studies simply highlight on the NFL deficiencies in dealing with crisis management. Even with increased hiring of public relations personnel to deal with crisis management, the NFL needs to be more proactive in handling the crises. Dabscheck (2014), points out that one of the main problems affecting the NFL is that there is denial among officials especially on the health implications for NFL players who suffer concussions while playing.
Deficiencies in the studies
Given the negative publicity in the NFL, the need for better crisis management ought also to highlight the likely impact on the NFL. The reason for PR blunders is that the NFL downplays the impact of negative press. Despite the recognition that the NFL will likely suffer a reputation risk, if there is no proper crisis management, studies have not highlighted on strategi...
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