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Personal Statement SLP

Essay Instructions:

Required Reading

Beason, L., (2001). Ethos and Error: How Business People React to Errors. College Composition and Communication. 53(1), 33-64. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Bowman, J. P., (2002) Writing Persuasive Messages. Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from http://homepages(dot)wmich(dot)edu/~bowman/c4eframe.html

Conger, J. A., (1991). Inspiring Others: The Language of Leadership. The Executive, 5(1), 31-46. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Mazur, T. C., (1993). Lying. Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from http://scu(dot)edu/ethics/publications/iie/v6n1/lying.html.

Mind Tools (2015). Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence. Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from http://www(dot)mindtools(dot)com/pages/article/six-principles-influence.htm

Purdue (2015a). Online Writing Laboratory (Memos). Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/590/01/

Purdue (2015b) Using Rhetorical Strategies for Persuasion. Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/588/04/

Reddy, S. (2010, Nov 1). Memo to all staff: Dump your trash. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on Feb 10, 2015, http://www(dot)wsj(dot)com/articles/SB10001424052702304316404575580534064250948

Stanford (2015). Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab (Home). Retrieved on Jan 31, 2015, from http://captology(dot)stanford(dot)edu


Making a Persuasive Case for Employment

Persuasion can also be applied in the job search process. Essentially, we are presenting ourselves and our qualifications to prospective employers, and persuading them to give us a job. Some companies require applicants to submit supporting documents along with their applications. One such document is a personal statement. This is different from a cover letter, which is normally restricted to a single page. The personal statement may be longer; in it, you present your abilities and persuade your prospective employee that you are qualified for the job. (Note: We will write a cover letter in Module 4).

Refer to the job opening you identified in SLP 1(Finance Manager in Initiating the job search you wrote). Using the job description, write a personal statement (about 2 pages long). Your statement should be professionally prepared and lay out your strengths for the job. Please ensure that the contents match the job description for the job you identified in SLP 1.


SLP Assignment Expectations

Your personal statement is a statement that promotes yourself. It should not contain any salutation, unlike a letter, as it will be an attachment. No citations are needed for the statement.

Following the statement, submit an essay discussing the approach you took. Please be sure to use references, which may include the assigned readings, to support your discussion. Formal citations are required, along with a formal bibliography. The summary is to be prepared as an academic essay. Content should be clearly presented with a logical flow.


SLP General Expectations

For the SLP, you are expected to assume the role of a job seeker. You are to identify a job that interests you in Module 1. The SLPs will take you through the job search and application process, presenting you in different scenarios requiring you to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and professionally.

Formal citations and a bibliography are required unless otherwise stated.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Statement
Economics is one of the most subtle facets of the economy nationally and at the personal levels. I have always had a passion for the field of commerce and finance and would love to purse a fulfilling career in business, specifically financial management.Financial management remains the central part of commerce and most importantly the economy. I personally believe that financial management is the basic foundation of today’s society and the skills in this field are what set companies and individuals apart in the business and social circles. As a result, I have taken a keen interest in the field, to sharpen my skills in light of my career for the ability to offer the very best and constantly improve myself.
Academically I have had the pleasure of taking Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and a Master Degree of Business Administration where I majored in the Marketing and Finance option. Having been a top scholar although my academic life, I managed to perform exceptionally in my high school final exams. I managed to attain 4.0 in my GPA scores, with the highest scores in mathematics, English, history and social studies. Relative to my grades, I also managed to join one of the pristine universities offering quality studies in financial management and research. Stanford University has ever since, formed part of my professional and social skills, after interacting with some of the most influential personalities and greatest minds in the industry. As such, I have a wide skill set, relative to the experiences that I have had at the university, which I plan to leverage in a challenging position. After my graduation in 2010, I enrolled for the master’s program in 2012 with the same university, where I also had a chance to interact with experts in the industry, especially with reference to research. Relative to the experience that I have had in my academics, I have formed a strong background in financial management. Having been among the top students in my class at both the bachelors and masters level, I offer the best set of skill compared to other candidates who are seeking the same position at your highly esteemed firm.
Professionally I have also had the pleasure of working in the field and assessing the main issues in the financial system, some of which have been reflected in the recent financial crisis. After my bachelor’s degree, I had a chance to work with Air castle Limited, one of the most successful banking services company. At the firm, although I was an intern, with limited cle...
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