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Descriptive Questions and Hypotheses

Essay Instructions:


Descriptive Questions and Hypotheses

Consider the central theme from your Problem Statement, which you have now explored and refined through a Literature Review, Introduction, and Purpose Statement. Although your work to this point may have guided you toward a particular research method or approach, there is still value in examining your topic from a variety of perspectives. Toward that end, one useful exercise involves returning to the triumvirate of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches and creating hypotheses and descriptive questions accordingly.

Refer to Chapter 7 of your course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, which includes templates you can use to create research questions of each type, as well as examples and criteria related to directional, non- directional, and null hypotheses. Use these resources to help you create research questions and hypotheses related to your evolving topic and for one quantitative section, one qualitative section, and one mixed methods section. After each section of your Application, be sure to note your rationale for each choice and how each fits the criteria and paradigmatic thinking related to the approach.

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Descriptive Questions and Hypotheses
Typically both research questions and hypotheses are necessary for quantitative research methods. In the quantitative approach, descriptive questions in ought to be followed by hypotheses or inferential questions. However, relying on either of the two eliminates redundancies without negatively affecting the research process. There is a need to analyze the data collected with regards to stakeholder perceptions at the post- crisis depending on the study precipitants responses. The rationale for relying on the quantitative approach is that it provides a statistical basis for the analysis given that it is possible to conduct statistical tests about the statements (Bernard, 2011).
H: An increase in the number of reported crises is associated with negative stakeholders’ perceptions.
H: Dealing with the crises promptly compared to delayed action is associated with improved stakeholder perceptions.
H: The more severe the crises, then the more likely that those stakeholders hold negative perceptions.
H: The more severe the crisis the more likely that the NFL’ brand image suffers.
The qualitative approach is a more flexible approach that categorizes reposes as well as describes variation while exploring a phenomenon. In carrying out a qualitative research, there is a need to understand whether the audiences understand the characteristics of the qualitative research (Bernard, 2013). This approach also describes the relationships rather than predicting causal relationships like in the quantitative approach. The rationale for the approach is that it helps to explore value-laden questions, and phenomena that are not easily quantified. The questions are framed to represent the same queries under the quantitative approach and they include:
What are the perception stakeholders when there are reported crises in the NFL?
Do the stakeholders hold a different view about the organization&rsqu...
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