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Factors that make International Relations Anarchic

Essay Instructions:

Mid-term Essay 1:

Your text have described International Relations as existing in a situation of anarchy. What is it that makes International Relations anarchic? Moreover, Why does this situation of anarchy create a "security dilemma" for states in the world?

Mid-term Essay 2:

Generally explain the "rationalist" perspective of International Relations. Then generally critique the "rationalist" perspective and include, in your critique, whether you believe liberal democracy has had a good effect, a bad effect or no effect on the relations of states in the world.

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International Relations
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International Relations
Factors that make International Relations Anarchic
International relation is a field of study that focuses mainly on the interactions and the relationship between the state and non- state actors like the United States, International Politics, Amnesty International and the Monetary Fund’s such the World Bank (Weber, 2013). It is very important to study international relations because the world is increasingly growing more interconnected through migration, trade and commerce, internet and social media. In relation to these, concerns about the global environment are developing problems that need to be addressed in order to maintain these links.
Anarchy is among the issues that need to be addressed. Anarchy is the perception that the world does not have centralized authority. There is no superiority that can address disputes of enforcing the order. One factor that makes international relation anarchic is political realism. If the society is anarchical, the state defends it, but when it comes to the involvement of more than one state, there lacks accountability and no authority can be exalted because each state has its guiding protocols (Weber, 2013). In the case there is no authority to command actions on behavior, the states choose to defend themselves and their own.
Another contribution to anarchic in international relations is distrust. Since there are no forces to deal with the actors in the system, states seek the power of defense in the anarchic system because people can only comply either through coercion or self-willingness. In addition, there are disputes between the realists and liberals all over the globe (Weber, 2013). Realists are the group that will not trust others. Unfortunately, their beliefs result in complications in the interactions among the people. They believe that one should be cautious and one should gain power or any gain that should not be inferior compared to that of the other party. The notion contributes to anarchy (Weber, 2013). According to the liberalists, non-state and the states can join together in an anarchical system and set up rules and institutions that can help improve the world. Among these approaches include cooperation, where the actors can work together to solve the issues and increase their own absolute powers. These varying beliefs cause a lot of disputes, and the parties lack common interests.
Reasons why Anarchy Creates Security Dilemma
The reason why anarchy creates a security dilemma is the absence of a centralized authority to settle disputes, which is a crucial element of the contemporary systems. In the case of self-help groups or systems, if one state seeks security mostly, it leaves the current and potential enemies insecure (Weber, 2013). Any system that seeks absolute power leaves all the other systems insecure. This can create powerful incentives for hostile interactions or arms races. In addition, the security dilemma is the theoretical cornerstone of defensive pragmatisms.
Defensive realists believe that the security dilemma is the element that makes genuine cooperation between nations. For offensive realists, the security dilemma is that component that makes war rational and inevitable. Moreover, realists are not the only group that utilizes this notion (Weber, 2013). Neoliberal scholars claim that one of the functions of international relations is to elevate security dilemma while liberals insist that democratic institutions simplify peace because they elevate sec...
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