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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Development as a Way of Thinking Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

This assignment requires you to write a short essay reflecting on the special lecture by Prof. Jeremy Adelman, who will be speaking on the topic “Development or Justice: A Global History”.

Write a short reflection paper based on the lecture. The paper should be between 4-5 pages long (12 point font, double-spaced, between 1,000-1,250 words).

Begin the paper by summarizing the key points or messages of Prof. Adelman's lecture. What lesson(s) or insight did you draw from the lecture?

Reflect on what "development" means to you, and discuss whether and how Prof. Adelman's lecture shaped your thinking. For example: did the lecture enhance and expand your understanding of what development means and entails? Did it challenge your preconceived understanding of development? Did the lecture neglect aspects of "development" that you think should be addressed?

End your short essay with a concluding statement on a key lesson you learned from this writing exercise and from attending the lecture.

In addition to drawing directly from the lecture, we expect you to draw on the assigned readingPreview the document and one additional scholarly reference from a journal or from a book in support of your essay.

Make use of the resources that are provided below.

Include your name and student number, and the name of your TA on the top of each page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Development as a Way of Thinking
Institutional Affiliation

Development as a Way of Thinking
The word development creates mental pictures of advanced structures of roads, buildings, and lifestyles. It is impossible for someone in this generation to note the origin of the word development. This summary paper intends to demonstrate what relationship exists between development and justice, highlight the lessons drawn from the lecture given by Professor Adelman, and express personal reflection on development.
The summary of the lecture
In his lecture, Professor Jeremy Adelman is addresses the topic, Development or Justice at the University of Toronto. Adelman notes that the topic is deliberately provocative to make the students see development as a way of thinking. Moreover, he addresses how convergence produces time inequality, making integration produce the togetherness but still lead to stratification (Adelman, 2018). Moreover, he sought to explain the relationship between inequality and integration and how to bring the two together in one frame, but mostly to look into what development is.
Debates have been held before to understand development, but none has brought out the concep...
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