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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the following public policy issues and assess its effectiveness. What changes may be needed and why?

1) Federal education policies (Every Student Succeeds, Race to the Top, and College- and Career-Ready Standards); 2) Corporate subsidies; 3) Outsourcing.

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Outsourcing is a policy whereby, the business activities of a specific company or country are transferred to an external service. Outsourcing has been a policy in the US for a long time, and it has enabled the country to advance its economy in a manner that it would not have done given the absence of outsourcing. Companies are able to hire individuals with expertise in a certain field whereby the US does not have enough personnel (Bernhardt, Batt, Houseman & Appelbaum, 2016). This means that the economy of the US is geared towards the best in the world even if they have to outsource the activities that they are not able to carry out. Therefore, the policy has been very effective in growing the economy.
However, there are various disadvantages that outsourcing is bringing in the economy of the US and, therefore, the policy needs some few changes to ensure that it eliminates such challenges. A nation cannot do...
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