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The Meaning of Development: Key Points on Jeremy Adelman's Lecture

Essay Instructions:

1Demonstrate your understanding of the guest lecture given by Jeremy Adelman by giving a summary of its key points
2Reflect on your background, personal experiences and make connections between these and the idea of "development"
3Come up with your own ideas about what "development" should be about and what it should entail.

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Demonstrate your understanding of the guest lecture given by Jeremy Adelman by giving a summary of its key points
Adelman offers an uncommon understanding of development which helps to paint a clear picture of how the world is today. He first talks of how development made integration easier and mandatory by acknowledging and encouraging interdependence. However, there were cracks in what was considered development because integration led to instances of inequality. Adelman notes that as the world continued to be more integrated and open, the more divided and stratified it became and this produced further inequality.
With integration, there came competition and for this Adelman notes that it meant two things which further shaped the world. One was that it meant that rules had to be adopted to help ensure that competition never went out of control. And two, it meant that others had the opportunity to grab that which they could. This means that people and nations saw an opportunity to seek for anything that they could lay their hands on.
Another point of note was that integration somehow brought the world closer. However, while doing this, it also divided and stratified it further. It was obvious that integration or global convergence as Adelman calls it led to what he calls ‘backwardness.’ Well, this backwardness happened to some countries and regions and not all as those behind this idea of development continued to prosper. A good example of how world integration fostered backwardness is China. China was integrated into the world and the more it became integrated, the more it fell behind the others. This happened largely because of the treaties that Europeans and America imposed on what Adelman calls “feeble states.”
Adelman is keen to note that the leaders of the world are keen to ensure that the status quo is maintained. He notes that what they do is reinforce older versions of the previous order as they seek to continue benefitting from the new idea of development.
While a lot has changed in the world, Adelman notes that the new version of development appears to still have the same ideas and principles of the past. Apparently, regions that have been affected by the backwardness experienced as a result of development continue to be in the same conditions or states of despair as new rules continue to favor the West.
Reflect on your background, personal experiences and make connections between these and the idea of “development”
Well, I believe that the idea of development has been skewed for a long time now. Looking at the world today, there are many instances that appear to be mimicking the development of ideas or notions of the past as Adelman notes. A majority of African countries, for example, are endowed with rich natural resources. However, many of them never get to enjoy the proceeds from these resources. Many of them appear at the top of the list of the poorest countries and some have made this list since getting independence. Well, as the world and the West continues to encourage development, there seem to be loopholes in the ideas they share and the rules they set. African countries have bought into the idea of development and many are still trying to do more to break free from the list of the poorest countries in the world. However, the more they work and appear to get more connected to the world, the poorer some o...
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