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The topic is fast food and health. Social Sciences Essay

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Fast food and health
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Fast food and health
Fast food refers to types of foods that are prepared within a short time before they are served. They are relatively cheaper than ordinary food cooked in homes. In most restaurants, fast foods are readily available and one does not need time to wait for it to be prepared. Most of this types of foods contain high amounts of sodium and fat and very little nutritional value. Fast foods taken regularly and in large amount affects human health. The state of physical and mental being referred to as health is destroyed by fast food components with time which later becomes a major health hazard. This paper will discuss types and components of fast food, effects in human body and in the society.
Fast foods are highly processed, contain high amounts of nutrients including fats, sugars and salts. They contain calories which has no nutritional value in the body. High amount of fast food taken irresponsibly leads to extra weight gain because of high amount of sugar and fat present in them. According to Euginia (2014), Obesity is closely linked to kidney and colon cancer brought about by consuming fats sugars and other nutrients found in fast foods. Fast food has become popular in most countries in the world. It is relatively cheap and readily available where by restaurant provide delivery services because of the high demand (Darcey, 2017).
Consumption of Fast food has been associated with health problems which in most cases lead to disabilities and sometimes death. Stroke is common among people who take large amounts of cholesterol. Fats consumed from fast food are deposited in blood veins causing high blood pressure which with time develops into stroke. Children who regularly consume fast food are at high danger more than adults since their condition as a result of poor diet continues to deteriorate as th...
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