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Social Sciences
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Critical thinking and how would you display this in a group setting.

Essay Instructions:

these are two separte papers one is critical thinking and how would you display this in a group setting. 135 word or so. The other is stage 4 differentiation developing group identity and an internal frame of reference within a group and how would you see this in a group and how would you impleament this in a group. about 135 words please tdry to make the 2 = please. I will send you the readings in dthe morning or you can use one of your own but one has to come from a article that I have,

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Social Sciences
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Part 1
Critical thinking is one of the most sought-after skills a counselor or researcher needs to have while working in the group setting. It is the ability of an expert to analyze the given data and make reasonable judgments that are both valid and unique. The best and most essential things a researcher needs to pay attention to is that he should be aware of different data collection methods and techniques (Lin, 2018). While in the group, he should prepare himself to answer the questions of all group members and to provide them with a sufficient number of proves regarding what type of research he has been doing and what is the purpose of the project. In simple words, we can say that the counselor should put all of his six senses to work in order to come up with quality results and verifiable conclusions. A good critical thinker is capable of drawing reasonable conclusions and results from the given set of information and can easily differentiate between quality and useful data and unstructured and less useful information to solve the problem or make a decision. The first step of a critical thinking process is to examine or observe the given data carefully. Then the expert can ask thoughtful questions, interpret the data, make judgments and provide evidence to support his conclusion.
Part 2
In the stage of Group Identity and Internal Frame of Reference, members of the same group participate in varying...
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