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The Meso-Sociological Approach And Community Asset

Essay Instructions:

The paper should be based on the following Terms

1. Meso-sociological Approach

2. Community Asset

3. Urban Celebratory Events.

The paper is about describing and defining the above terms based on Social Science and then Relate the above three or 2 definitions together.

Definitions can be used from out side sources but only on Social science. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU USE THE TEXT BOOK DEFINITIONS.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Science Name Institution Due Date Social Science Define and describe the following terms based on Social Science. The meso-sociological approach, community asset, and urban celebratory events. Definitions Meso-sociological approach – this approach to conducting studies seeks to understand the experiences as well as the interactions that takes place in groups. In the book, Delgado (2016) showcases that a meso-sociological approach towards understanding urban celebratory events can help unearth the basic functioning of such events. The basic functioning simply means understanding the people behind these events. In the end, a deeper understanding of the people, their cultures, social relations, the history they share, as well as their shared spaces is attained. For example, if a researcher’s goal is to study a community and unearth their history, values, and culture, it will be easier and appropriate to conduct such a study during a community celebratory event. In such a setup, it will be easier to understand the differences people have within the same community, some of the values that they hold dear, and the reasons they choose to remain as a unit instead of disintegrating. It is while taking such an approach that a researcher can understand the origin of certain stereotypes associated with a community and either substantiate or invalidate them. So, taking a meso-sociological approach helps to reveal deeper truths about a community. Community asset – a community asset can be defined or described as anything that can be used to help enhance the quality of life within the community. Delgado (2016) notes that “community assets are socially constructed, embedded with values and meanings, and dependent on local circumstances (social, economic, political, and cultural).” The book continues to say that these assets can be anything and may involve “individual, group, environmental, and “invisible” forms.” For individuals, it can be a firefighter or a leader who has given his life to serving the community and helping improve the quality of life of the area. It can also be a structure, for example, a hospital or a library which has been constructed to help the community become more knowledgeable. However, it should be noted that these assets “may not enjoy universal appeal across an entire community, as communities are not necessarily homogenous in composition.” People have different views, and while it is possible to have a community asset with a universal appeal, it is possible that a community asset is not widely received or accepted. Additionally, Delgado (2016) notes that “it is important to emphasize that community assets can be synergistic, with enhancement in one translating into enhancements of others, although not necessarily of equal strength or occurring simultaneously.” This means that community assets can be set up to work together with the objective of attaining a greater overall effect. So, while they do exist alone, community assets can be made to interact or cooperate with a far greater effect than before. Urban celebratory events – these are events which are organized by communities in the hope of celebrating diversity as well as talent within the community. Delgado (2016) notes that “community events can take different manifestations and have different goals.” There is always a theme or goal that an event aims to achieve. One could be celebrating the artistic talent of the community members while another could be about sports and recreation. Delgado continues to say that these events take the different forms because they are ...
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