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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Latinos and Immigration in the USA

Essay Instructions:

You will need to choose one marginalized group from our society. Marginalized groups can include any group that has been discriminated against or faced oppression due to being viewed as the “other” in society. Marginalization can occurring because of someone’s race, gender, class, sexual orientation, age, religion, or ability. I choose (Immigration) in America. Because I'm from the Caribbean island of Trinidad, have lived in America for 26 years, and had great opportunities.

Once you have selected a group you will write a 2 page paper on the history, cultural identity, and background of your chosen group.

This paper should include:

-A history of the group including major events that have affected them as a group (e.g. immigration to the U.S., historical Supreme Court cases)

-Major cultural traditions or background

-Current demographic information

You will also be required to use in-text references in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism detection software will be used to scan each paper and any paper that is determined to have academic integrity issues will earn a score of 0 automatically.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Latinos and Immigration in the USA Name Institutional Affiliation Latinos and Immigration in the USA This history and cultural identity of the Latino people is one that is interesting and mired in conflict, triumph, and controversy. The history between Latinos and the USA began as early as the 16th Century with the arrival of Juan Ponce de León at the shores of the USA. At this time, the desire for exploration had overtaken the world and explorers such as Ponce de León sought to spread the Spanish ways of life to the rest of the world (Sáenz, Morales, & Polity Press, 2015). Over time, interactions between Native Americans and the Spanish as well as the Mexican people resulted in a boiling pot of rich Latino culture and values some of which have held to date. Over the following centuries, this contact would blossom and balloon into a thriving partnership between different cultures and communities with the 1965 immigration laws opening up the USA for all kinds of immigrants, including Latinos. Plenty of laws have affected the lives and traditions of the Latino people. One of the Supreme Court cases that has tremendously affected how Latinos live is INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca in 1987 (Mize & Delgado, 2012). In this case, the Supreme Court established that granting asylum to refugees did not need for said refugees to irrevocably prove they would face harm upon deportation back to their country. Instead, they only needed to demonstrate that they would have a fear of being harmed. In this way, America opened up its borders to millions of Latino refugees from numerous Hispanic countries (González, 2011). In this way, even large Latino families were able to safely and legally immigrate to the USA in pursuit of the American Dream. As far as the cultura...
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