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Marginalization of First Nation Women in Canada

Essay Instructions:

essay proposal: you generally need to explain clearly what the project is and why it is worth doing to an audience that isn’t necessarily familiar with your subject. explain what your paper will be about. Include your chosen question (How do people perceive and experience gender expectations in Canadian society?) in the first paragraph of your explanation. In addition to explaining what your topic is, also explain why it is relevant. You might include how the topic is significant to you personally, how others might be interested in it, how it relates to the themes and topics covered in this course, or how it relates to current events.

Annotated Bibliography: you need to show that there are enough research materials for you to write a short paper on the topic you have chosen. Using the course syllabus and Library resources (catalogue, books, and online journal databases), find at least four scholarly sources that you will use to answer the question your paper will address. Include a correct bibliographic citation and short summary for each source.

1 page for each part.

please use basic english.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marginalization of First Women Nation in Canada
Canada has not been fair to the First Nation women. The First Nation women are the disfigurement in Canada and will continue to be except if some tangible actions are taken. The target of this assignment is to expose the facts substantiating that the marginalization of the First Nation women in Canada is real. In addition, it also intends to look into ways of solving issues of the First Nation women marginalization in Canada. The governance in Canada has not been very keen in ensuring the wellbeing of the First Nation women. As a result, there has been biasness in how they are treated in the country. Cases of violence and sexual abuse are among cases that are reported to be their predicaments in the country (Anderson, 2009). This project is relevant in enlightening the people of Canada as well as the government on the need to treat the First Nation women as fair as the other citizens, besides offering best alternatives to solve their marginalization.
The problem of the marginalization of the First Nation women requires an effective strategy that will not only offer long term solution, but also bring to book those who have been responsible in order to avoid future repletion of the same. A public inquiry would be the foremost measure to undertake. Although, it may be argued that a community probe is a mere educational exercise that would postpone tangible actions. However, it should be noted that most Canadians cannot recount the difficulties facing these women unless they are taught (Carter, 1996). Therefore, it would be much wiser to educate them on the challenges these women undergo before an action can be efficiently taken to help the situation.
The most imperative thing to do is a public probe on how the First Nation women in Canada can be endowed. Their system of authority needs to be probed to reveal the loop holes that have seen the continued circumstances that they face. The public inquiry should discover a broad assortment of concerns such as how to support the women. It should deliberate on building an easier access to the requirements of life. In as much as the government understand their problems, it is not just enough to formulate solution strategies without involving them. A public inquiry would, therefore, bring to the fore front the concerns of the First Nation women that would both teach and influence the electorate to support moving on solutions (Bryce, 1992).
This topic is quite relevant for my study, as a social science student, in enabling me identify the social disfigurement as well as coming up with their solutions. This topic and project addresses a marginalized social group in Canada and inspires the search for possible long term solutions to their problems. Besides, it also offers insight in the value of public inquiry and community involvement in solving a community’s challenges.

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